Thursday, October 26, 2006

Youth Group.

I was contemplating whether to go to my youth group or not last night as I was extremely tired and felt I had a long day yesterday. But eventually I made the decision to go. Looking back now, I don't regret it at all. I was motivated and inspired within the space of 3 hours. My perspectives about the direction of my life, what I wanted and what I desired was tested and challenged.

The sharing last night was about DESIRE. What is it that I want from my life? What has been my ultimate dream and goal in life? Is my present position in life heading towards that goal? These were the questions that were streaming around my mind as I was listening to the sharing. Then it occured to me! I was at a total mess in the domains of my desires. I have been so caught up in the tangles of materialism, worldly success, that I was trading my ultimate dreams for short lasting dosages of wealth, success, and to please other people, that may lead me to nowhere in life. As these thoughts were meandering in my mind, I was attempting to regain my thoughts as to 'what is my desire?', and 'what is it that I want to achieve?' I began to make mental notes to myself: take charge of my future, and to make what I want a reality, which is to be best I can potentially be in all aspects in life.

The sharing was inspiring for me as it IGNITED my desire and dreams back. To make it ALIVE and not just something that might be written in black and white. Not theory but PRACTICE. The most important thing I learnt from last night's sharing was that a desire will only be desire if you do not take action towards the development of your desire. It becomes real only if you STEP UP and take actions that will help in the achieving and accomplishment of your dream.

So I now pose you the question, "what is your desire?", "what is it that you want from life?". You may not realise but just expressing your desire is one step in the process of making your desire/dream into becoming reality.

As I'm writing this blog, I guess I'm not just encouraging myself to TAKE HOLD of my desire/dream and run with it, but also to inspire and motivate those around me and those reading this. See that your desires and dreams matter and that it is your desires that maximise your potential!


At 11:05 PM, Blogger Peter Podcast said...

You've been busy.
Nice work.
3 blogs in a week -you are a natural

At 7:55 PM, Blogger tephiee said...

It's scary but it seems so. Everything I do now, I think 'should I put this up on my blog?' I was afraid at first to post things up about myself (being a quiet and resevered student) but once I started it really is easy and I enjoy blogging. (Much to my surprise)


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