It's for Charity.
When I got to the concert, I could see that there were still plenty of seats empty. The event was scheduled to begin at 7pm but ended up starting at 7.30pm. (knowing that this is an Indonesian event, you would be stupid to think that eveything starts on time) So, I was thinking this is real bad, the event starting later than scheduled, and still having plenty of seats empty is a real terrible way to start the night off. All I wanted to do was just get the performers on and get things started and so eventually it began.
After enduring the painful and lame jokes and games (yeah, games. They had games at the concert.unusual) that was scheduled the conert began and ended at 10pm.
Through this concert, I came to the realisation and appreciation of my parent's culture. Me being born and brought up in a Western culture but taught with Eastern (Asian) values and traditions, I never really emersed myself in my Asian culture. I had always been surrounded by everything opposite to what my parents had experienced, but for one night at a concert - lame concert, I think - I actually experienced and enjoyed in my own celebration of Asian culture. To see Indonesian music artists and their own different interpretations to songs and music was so different to what I know and what I am accustomed to, to the fact that it has opened up a whole new way of seeing not just music but also my Asian culture that I may have negelected all this time because I had no understanding as to how to 'tap into it'.
Also, through this concert I have come to appreciate what I have and my life seeing that this concert had been for charity. It was, in my opinion, a good cause despite staring the event on a real bad note. It's for Charity, that's what mattered!
Love other cultures, cherish your own or borrow one from someone else.
Did you throw your bra on stage? HAHAHAHAA
Thow my bra on stage? hihihihi..Unfortunately the concert was not hot or great enough for me to throw my bra off! (Not that I would consider doing that!!!)hahahahhaha....[randOmZ)
Oh, I really love my culture and being able to experience two totally different cultures at the same time is fantastic but sometimes it can be confusing and at times frustrating because both are conflicting. And living in Australia, for me, has been a privileged opportunity where I can build relations in such a diverse mulicultured society. I am very grateful.
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