Blood is NOT thicker than water.

After a long time contemplating and hard thinking whether to post this, I have decided to do so because its really irritating the fact that I am restrained from telling anyone else. -you may think its ironic that i can't tell anyone else but i can tell the world of bloggers this. i guess i feel safe in saying this because you may not really know who i am but anyways, this is it -
'Bloods Thicker Than Water' So not true! No matter how much you give in, its never enough. All the hush hush, secrets, betrayals, lies, and most of all: cover-ups about certain things will never be enough to people who are only out to serve themselves, even though they are your own family members. (sounds like a movie? its not, its my life)
I've been known, in my overly large family, as the "secret-keeper". But even a "secret-keeper" has his/her limits, right?
Anyways, I guess I'm just too tired from keeping family secrets and lies that if I'm fuelled up with anymore secrets, I could explode and expose it all.
You might think, 'so what kind of secrets etc?' Well, how about the ones about ...............(afraid to disclose this information. I'm deeply sorry). This may seem to you something small and of not great scale but coming from a conservative, religious, and in a sense a traditional family, these things DO NOT and are NOT allowed to happen. I've been trusted with the faith that I will not say anything but even so, if you treat me pretty badly then you know, something might bite your butt without you knowing. (to say it in a softer manner)
Without revealing much, and without getting "disowned" my family and relatives, I guess I'm just trying to express the point that treat people with the same respect in which you would like to be treated. Not anymore, not any less.
Hey Tephiee, i understand u comleatly! My mother has 7 siblings...thats 2 brothers and 5 sisters. All of them have children and most of those children have children. Heck even my mum is a grandmother. There are so many secrets about my family its not funny! ive got secrets about homesexuals, misscarages, drug abusers, sexually active teenages, alcoholics, greed, theives, poverty, cheaters, liers, gossipers, peoples past and even peoples future!
At the moment i have to keep a secret from one side of the family because they dont want the otherside to know. You can pic ur friends but u cant pic ur family!!!! understatment of the CENTRY!
One cousin is gay but no one is suppose to kno, one cousin put his house on morgage without his parents knowing and spent all the money on cars and drugs, they eventually had to move out, one cousin is worried what the others will think of her because she went to america for two weeks alone, one cousin crashed his car and all of a sudden ts a big secret.
it all happens infront of our eyes! one family is almost homeless when another own 5 cars, 3 of them over $100,000.
You cant let it get to u coz it will devour you! i find its best to talk about it or refuse to listen... i have so many secrets about my own family i can jus imagine about all my cousins!
the thing that annoys me is that our parents involve us! two of my mums siblings arent talking and now their children arnt talkin all because the elders are having a tiff!
i remember christmas we would all go to my grandma's house and there would literally be 50 kids running around it was so much fun... now u will never see two familys there at the same time... one waits till the other leave b4 arriving! its sick!
My best advice to u tephiee is it will only get worse! so all u have to do is "see" no evil "hear" no evil "speak" no evil and most importantly "do" no evil... because then the monkey will bite u on the bum!
Thank you for your input and advice Michael. I hope that it will not get any worse than this, but I know that it will. I guess, I'm just tired of keeping it and all I want to do is TELL but I know and realise that I'm not in the position to TELL. I pray that I can wait long enough until the time comes when it's all OUT!
Btw, I can totally relate to your family. I have almost 40 cousins and the whole family comes first thing is really important to me but hey everyone has limits where it feels like blood is not thicker than water.
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