Sexy Voice.
I was a little intimidated by the equipment that was in the radio studio. As usual I was nervous going into something I didn't know much about. But by the end of the class I had fun.
The points that I found out about radio that I didn't know before:
* writing and talking for radio is like as though you are talking to one person - an elderly half deaf relative
* radio is different to other media mediums because: people listen to it when they are doing things such as driving in the car, lying in bed, cleaning in house etc.
* visual language - you the reporter are the eyes for the audience. Use emotive language and simple comparisons.
* radio is cheap to produce, can target audience narrowly/specific.
* communities can feed into radio where other mediums can't -> talkback.
* radio is unedited! you can't push talent's out of context.
* commercial radio-> have access to speak to to senior politicians right away.
* radio-> democratic medium, instantly on air.
* politicians can have a quick response through radio.
* actuality: going out and recording the 'atmosphere' -> location recordings.
* ears can take you places.
* think with your ears.
* radio is expected to get the latest installment of the story -> has to be new, regularly changed.
When writing for radio I've learnt that you have to consider the question: what is my station? who am I talking to?
We got the opportunity to use the radio studio and hear our voice. I was teamed up with Brendan and we turned a print story about the returning home of an Australia missing Vietnam war soldier. Brendan was the reporter and I was the talent.
When we both finished our story the lecturer gave us feedback. She said that I had a great voice for broadcast!!! I was shocked! Surprised in a good way but she also said that I had a 'sexy' voice which could be dangerous for radio. But that can be worked on. You just need to play with the levels and step back a bit from the mic.
So the second time I did it, it was better.
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