Monday, February 25, 2008

There is always a rainbow after the rain…

I’m starting my journalism course next week and I’m a bit anxious and weary of what may lay ahead of me. I learning to build up my confidence and self-esteem, particularly because of the nature of the industry I’m venturing into.

I know that this is something that I want to do but there are times when I strive to achieve I but then have moments of doubt: “can I do this? Do I have the ability to make this happen?” Most of these questions arise when I’m about to plan something in regards to my future studies or work experience in my field.

Until I had coffee with one of my ex-lecturers. He brought insight into the industry and complementing me on my writing. And later on in the day my friend also commented positively about my writing.

I guess, what I’m trying to say is that you may be doing something in your life that you love, you like, and you live for but at times think that may be its not what your supposed to do or when the “other” half of you wants to tear you down and shatter your dreams. Just remember to immerse yourself around people who can comfort or bring words of encouragement because you are the best judge in your life. What happens from now on is up to you but be sure to know that there is always a rainbow after the rain…


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