Friday, October 17, 2008

What does it all mean?

Okay, so all these things have happened, I've experienced them all but what does it all mean? I feel that sometimes God just shows me a little piece of the picture and slowly reveals them as I go along.

I see now that my interest in journalism has increased. I don't hate it as much as I did before. I'm starting to see that this may work out. I may be able to do it. I may have talent.

But even as I go along I begin to question: how can I still do my ministry but still pursue my journalism? Do they have to be separate? Can I make them both work together? I've always thought that I had to choose either one or the other.

But as I was talking with my aunt (one of the few people who know me inside and out) over morning tea at Peters of Kensington (a great place to chat) she opened a new revelation to me: you could always do both. You could still be in ministry and do your journalism. She pointed out my writing in my blogs - how that is a tool for me to share my experiences and be blessing to others.

I've realised now, even through the theory of journalism, is that the most effective journalism is the journalism that can evoke emotion, allow people to critically analyze their own standpoint. Without getting too much into the theory of journalism, I learnt through this that I can use what I like to do (journalism) and still be in ministry mode.

I guess my advice here is that you don't need to give up what you like, your interests etc. for God. But rather you can use it to further your ministry.

So at the moment I don't exactly know what it is I'm supposed to do with my journalism except to do what I can do now which is keep on writing in my blog. Whether it will turn out to be something more, I'm not sure. I just have my trust in Him. Where ever He wants to take me, I'm yours (as Jason Mraz sings).


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