Brings back memories and an inspired heart...
When my Assistant Team Leader asked me to send her a slide show of my kindergarten school in Jakarta, I didn't think much of it. I just thought, yes I can do that. I've got video documentation that can help with this slide show. But what I didn't realise was how much I really miss the school, the community, the parents, the teachers and also very much the children.So the story is the teachers in our ministry in Sydney are organizing a fund raiser where the children will be asked to raise the money through their creativity. And my Assistant Team Leader wants to research some initiatives that can be presented as ideas for the children to choose which one to fund raise for. So my kindergarten school is one initiative the children could choose from to fund raise for.
And so when I started compiling the materials together (a slide show of video, sound and text) I began watching the video documentation that I had recorded myself last year in July, it brought back a rush of memories. With it also a reignited passion and an inspired heart to keep doing what I'm doing now because God has placed me here for a reason. The reason being for these children and God's Kingdom.
So if you're facing some "grey" days right now and need some inspiration or a reignited passion for your call and journey, just look back what God has initially called you for. Talk to the people who have started this journey with you. Pull out documentations (notes, video, photos, etc.) that record your journey and call. It''' inspire you to see and believe that you are on the path you are meant to be on and know that in it God is in it and there with you. Don't get weary, don't get down or tired. There are other people's eternity attached to our decisions to get inspired and to act and to do something. Let's do it!
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