Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Jumping words...

We were in our Old Testament class and was asked to take some time to meditate on some verses and see/hear what God is revealing to us.

We looked at Psalm 15 and Psalm 24:3-6. This exercise was really interesting for me since I love reading and delving deeper than the surface. So I really tuned my eyes and ears to the moving of the Holy Spirit.

And this is what happened...

In Psalm 15 God revealed:
-the word "dwell" => to be in Your sanctuary. (Literally) But metaphorically and personally God is saying that "dwell" means to a "private" place with God, my bestfriend
-the word "live" => there is access to all of God's "heavenly things" when we obey the commands of this chapter.
-and because of our commitment to these commands God's promise to us will never be shaken.

In Psalm 24:3-6 God revealed:
-verse 3 => God is almighty, Holy and big. The word "ascend" means there is work and effort that needs to be made in order to meet with God and to be with Him.
-it also says that because God is so holy who can be in His presence? Only those who can ascend and "meet"/fulfill the requirements of Psalm 15.
-verse 4 => those who follow these commands can ascend the hill of God.
-verse 5 => this outlines the rewardsfor ascending the hill of God.
-verse 6 => this is how our "makeup" should be as God's generation who seek His face.

This was an amazing class exercise for me as it really heightened my sensitivity to God's Spirit and what He wants me to learn and share. I'm really excited about it!


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