Watch what goes into your mouth!
In today's tutorial class we talked about healthy living and how that impacts our journey with God and our ministry.A couple of key notes that really struck me during the tutorial were:
-the spirit and the body cannot be separated. That is why both need to be balanced. It is my responsibility to be attentive to both and not just the spirit side. I need to listen to what my body is saying because...
-a healthy body = maximising God's plan and purpose in us for generations to come. When we live physically healthy, it'll eliminate sickness (unless Godly designed for other reasons) and there is a greater chance to do and see God's plan in us be fulfilled.
-healthy living = going the distance for God.
And finally but most importantly, which really resonated within my spirit was this:
healthy living is not just about me but it's about the otehrs around and most importantly the generation that is to come. Being healthy now will reap it's rewards in the next generation's bearnace of great fruit.
This really intensified my passion and value for my ministry!
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