I walked into the cafe and ordered the breakfast special, without realising that it came with a long insightful conversation that opened my perspectives on life, education, and men.
The lady who owned the cafe was Singaporean and has been living in Australia for the past 20 years. When she discovered that my background was Indonesian and I was born in Australia, she gave this one piece of advice. "You should marry well. Marry someone who is educated." With this in mind, coming from a total stranger, made me think about my life. What has education meant to me so far? Well, yes I do believe that everyone should go to uniand at least get their degree but in terms of my future husband "prospects", what are my criteras? Hahaha.. I know it sounds way off, but you this is something that needs to be considered. It affects your life drastically. This is coming from a personal experience.
My dad studied engineering at uni up until his 2nd last year when he dropped out when he met my mother, who dropped out from her HS in year 11. From time to time my parents argue, and hey that's normal, all parents do that. But what's different with my parents is that they argue over very trival things that should not be bothered. As I start to think about why they argued in the first place is that there is a huge difference in their mind sets, which could have been a result of their educational background. Like I'm not trying to offend either side but it just opens my perspectives of the importance of education. If both "parties" are of the same level of education, I think will make things easier. But then again there is the chance of "I am smarter than you" mentality. This goes to show that there is nothing perfect in this world but you do have the opportunity to make the best out of all situations, I think.
Anyways, continuing on... so this lady opened up this conversation with me, which at the end allowed me to think about my life and what kind of "critera", if any, I should have for my "ideal" partner. I guess, I have never really put much thought into it because I guess I believe in "love that conquers all". Hahha.. Lame it sounds, I know. But that's how I thought up until today.
Now I have considered actually "setting" something for myself because I do believe in setting a goal and achieving it, and I guess it can be applied to partners. I know that this may be idealistic for me but hey I believe deep down that God will "direct" me to "the person" but its not wrong to have "standards" I guess. Or is it?!
Especially lately, ever since I started Insearch, I may have presented myself as a person who has high standards, which I would like to clarify, that I do NOT. But I have had friends from my HS comment that "oh, she has high standards, she will never fall for you. Your too low for her". But for me its really weird because I myself have never set any "standard" but now that I have heard this I am actually considering it. Because lately I have been very open to all types but at the end it has become a disappointment. May be I have to open myself more but then I just get disappointed with the results. I thought that hey it may work, being that that person and I are so different in all aspects but then we do have fun. Yet, it becomes a disappointment when it fails. And I guess may be its a learning curve for me to experience, for me to know which "types" fit as my friends and others that are more than friends.
So as I left the cafe this morning, I came to the conclusion that if I wanted someone who was "educated", as that lady said (sounds funny. haha) I had to start being in company of affluent people, people who I can learn from and grow better as a person. I realise that I can learn from all sorts of people but if I wanted something great in my life, I have to start "associating" myself with the greats!
I do hope, however, that I will never forget my roots, my background, my upbrings, my family, and most of all my faith. Because I genuinely believe that a person's greatest failure is when one forgets and cuts off all connections to their roots, once they are up on top!
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