Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dream is Not Measured by Circumstance!

A friend of mine from HS recently messeged me about one of my blog posts..(Jake) I haven't posted for a while because: one, i knew people wouldn't read it and two, I was just getting lazy... But after reading the message from my old friend I realised the importance and the effectiveness of blogging.

I have alwayed had an interest in meeting with people and sharing ideas and views and I have realised that though not many people read my blog, there are still some people reading it and who can actually relate to me and my situations..which now motivates me more to get serious about blogging and sharing the events in my life.

So recently, after reading the message from my HS friend, I pondered with my thoughts and came to the conclusion that dream is not measured by circumstance. My friend, Jake (hope your reading this), was replying to me about my post and I realised that dreams are the start of all things big and great.

His message reminded me of my last year in HS, in year 12, I went around to all my friends and wrote in their year books...I wrote "special" comments to each of my friends that I had seriously thought through... and I just thought to myself that one day I hope to see these "comments" come true... and now having not contacted Jake in like 2 years, not knowing what he has been up to.. makes me realise that dreams extend and create your future...

I remember when I was in the library. I was reading a book when Jake had walked in. We were taling as per usual, but what was different, even until I remember this moment vividly, was we shared a conversation that to me was deep, meaningful, and life-changing, in a way...

There was a scholarship coming up and students were allowed to enter it. We were talking and I had encouraged Jake to apply. He was reluctant at first but at the end decided to go for it..

Jake and I weren't very close as friends throughout HS but in my last year of HS I felt as though as he and I shared some things in common. We both had great dreams that we wanted to achieve yet we were both "small" people in the sense that we had to really work to prove that we are different to what people forsee us to be. Even up today, Jake might not know, but I felt most comfortable talking with him in HS and related most to. (Jake, now you know!)

I also remember that when I wrote in my fellow friend's year books that one day I would see them again and envisage them to be greater than they were that day in HS. Now looking back, 2 years later, having contacted Jake again, I realise that he is now walking in the steps of what I had always seen that he could do.

I mean that may not make sense but now that I hear that he is in a good course, loving it, and actually making steps in fulfilling his dreams, makes me realise that its possible.. its possible to dream big and to make things happen..

Jake, if your reading this, this post is for you... keep up with everything thats going on.. things that do happen for a reason.. a reason that you may not be able to see now but have meaning... your message and comments and friendship to me surprisingly motivates me about my future and my dreams... to see you know walking in the footpath of your own dreams makes me remember about our conversation in the library and also to make me see that dreams are not measured by circumstances...

I realise now that we should not look back into out past, into our background, our education, our family... alot of great people have been born from background that are uncertain yet that did not deter them from fulfilling their dreams.. what matters most is how your past will help you be stronger in the present and to make a clearer and tangible future...

So like I said in the year book, dream big... have an unlimited vision of the future... you are now walking the small steps of a greater, bigger, brighter future...

P.S: Jake remember the song "Gold Digger" by Kanye West? that song still cracks me up when I hear it..hahhaha...


At 1:59 PM, Blogger Michael said...

a similar situation happend to me during high school... where two people were draw togeather because of there similarities and disrigarded all of there differences and had one of those "life changing" talks...

...i remember it vividly!

love those blogs!!! keep up the good work!

At 8:15 PM, Blogger tephiee said...

hopefully those "talks" will motivate you at times when life seems bleak.. thanx for the comment!


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