Very thankful!
I handed in my final project for one of my subjects today. I'm not too sure as to how I went in that project as the subject outline was not very clear. I just hope it is enough to get me a good mark with that class.
I know that I have done my best and I shall give the rest to Him who will supply me with the BEST result!
But overall I quite happy with it. =)
I got my grade for one of my presentations today. I was extremely happy with seeing as that I thought I didn't do too great of a job with it. But I'm appreciative of the grade and it is motivating me more now to work harder for my final essay.
I know that it had not been the fruits of my hand that rewarded me such a great mark but it truly was by His grace in life.
I also know more and more each day that I live by His providence and not that of people in this world.
I tend to compare myself with other people, people around me, my friends and family. But I'm becoming increasing open to the fact that I live my life my way and not according to the ways of others.
I'm learning that I'm not control of everything in my life but whatever control I do have I surrender it to Him for He is and will do so much more with it than I can never make of it by my own hands.
I sometimes can't help comparing myself and wanting to be the better one. It's selfish but it's because of our sin that we do so.
Comparing ourselves has become a natural habit of ours. It's good for motivating us to do better but when we focus on it too much is when it becomes a problem.
Thanks for the comment!
(I was re-reading the post and have realized that I need to proof read my writing! So many errors! hehe)
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