Tuesday, March 01, 2011

More randomz.

1. Yesterday at work a customer had come into my shop. She asked me what I was studying. I said: Pastoral Leadership. She said: "oh you're studying to become a farmer?" I laughed inside! In hindsight I guess you could say I'm training to be a 'farmer.' A farmer who is shepharding His 'cattle' back to Him!

2. I came home from today's Personal leadership reflecting on what's been happening in my life the past few days (stress at work) and my current state of studying and being in ministry. I love these moments. Most of them consist of me sitting on the bus on my way to or from somewhere (that's why I love catching buses-alone time to reflect). And today after class on the bus my way home as I was reflecting, and this was the outcome: People always ask me or say "you always seem to be so SURE of yourself. You're so SURE that you want to be in the ministry, hence your enrolment into College." My response: "I'm not SURE of MYself. I have never been SURE of MYself. But I am SURE of the ONE who called me. Because it has never been about me but rather about the ONE who called me!" It was like God putting that reflection in my heart in order to pose this question for others: Who are you SURE of? And what or who is your life reflecting?

3. I was going over my Personal Leadership class from today in my mind and the Holy Spirit put this into my heart: Our lives are a tool used to bring God's Word into reality. So when our leaders teach from their own lives don't judge them. They've decided to life their lives as a testament to God's Word. The fact that we place so much emphasis, criticism on them says so much(?)or so little(?)about our own relationship with God&our outworking of God's purpose in us. I think we as the "masses" can easily judge people in position or leadership but we don't easily want to be held accountable for our own relationship with God.

Just thought I'd share these thoughts with you!


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