Is the microphone on?
My classes at Hillsong International Leadership College have challenged me, inspired me, kick my ‘backside’ and really opened up new perspectives.I am surprised every time I leave the classroom and feel challenged and inspired. When I enter a classroom or go into my tutorials and lectures thinking I know what I’ll be learning in my class, God seems to test that and just make me laugh. Laugh, not in the mocking kind of way but in the inspiring and challenging kind of way. Because if you have not known it yet, and you will trust me, you will see that God always has something for you to learn and for you to grow from. It doesn’t matter if you think you know everything about a certain subject, He will challenge and inspire you even further.
I’m sharing this from my experience in class today. Today we had our first Public Speaking and Presentation tutorial and coming into class today I was thinking ‘this’ll be an easy peasy class. I know pretty much everything there is to know about Public Speaking having already been a High School Captain, undertaking Public Speaking classes and also completing a Communications Degree.’ But nope! God challenged and inspired me with new revelation during this class. He impressed into my heart this: the fact that the TRUTH is in me, God’s Word and His message for His people is sufficient enough for me to overcome my fears and insecurities of speaking in public. How awesome is that?! When we begin to realise that public speaking isn’t about us but about God, His message and His people, we will be at ease in delivering His Word. We won’t be overwhelmed by our nerves, our inabilities, our weaknesses but we realise that God’s greater call for us – to spread the Gospel isn’t about us but about Him and His Spirit moving in us, within us and through us.
This really changed the way I looked at Public Speaking. I know now that it isn’t about my limitations but it’s about God’s purpose through me for the people. And that is enough for me to not get “twisted” the next time I’m asked to speak in pubic.
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