Wednesday, February 02, 2011

... Possibly another book ...

As I was chatting with my mum last night God put this desire in my heart along with wisdom to write a book. A book that compiles the stories of my 12 (11 excluding my mum) aunts and uncles and their journey to responding God's call over their lives according to their characters and temperaments.

I'd like to interview and investigate how they responded or not repsond when God calls. I think that this is interesting given that all 12 of them grew up with a father who was a Pastor and a mother who was very family-oriented. I think this will be interesting because they are all unique individuals, with very different and 'colourful' stories of their journey with God.

And I guess at the end of the day with this book I hope to achieve this: God's calling for our lives is "colourful", it comes in different forms and shapes. But the most important thing is to eventually knowing what His call is and doing it until completion. Now these 12 have not all reached completion because they are all still alive but the point is that whatever path we take make sure that the path will lead us into God's destiny. That's what matters. Some of the 12 had it easier than others, their walk was more 'light' but there were others that took the highway to the get there. But as long as they get to do some part of God's destiny then that's better than nothing.

I just hope to stir people to see that doing something, even if it's through the hard way, is better than doing nothing and being comfortable!


At 7:11 AM, Blogger Mia said...

Will it be somethin like a compiled biography? I'll buy the book! =)

At 6:03 PM, Blogger tephiee said...

Yes something like that. But more importantly a summary of what each did or didn't do in response to what God had put into their lives. Because that all has influenced how I have grown up and continue to grow up. =)


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