Should the Guy Pay for the Date?
This is such an interesting topic! Today, I clicked into my Internet Explorer and it directly diverts me to the homepage of Yahoo and the headline there was 'should the guy pay for the date?'This topic really caught my attention because personally I admitt I am a bit of a traditionalist in the sense that my perspective is that men should pay... but now that I guess "I have come of age" or just the plain fact that I am more opened to new perspectives.. I think that it should be equal.
I mean when you read this article in Yahoo, there is a comment about how women have fought for equality yet women seem to turn a blind eye when it coems to paying the bill.. using the excuses of traditionalism etc.
I think that its good for women to be independent and show that they are capable. Its good for women to pay because I think it shows that the women are yeah independent but if men are just "taking advantage" of this, I think is stupid.
In today's society where women are encouraged to step into the workforce and make something of themselves, I think is a sign of a "should-be" evolving mentality and perceptions... I mean we should be receptive and adaptive to the differing situations that arise.. which includes who pays the bill at the end?
I don't mean that women should always pay but at least have a balance.. its pointless and hypocritcal if women fight for equality yet always think and want the men to pay..
That's what I think.. but I'm interested in what you think.. so feel free to post a comment! =)
Labels: men, money, who pays for dates, women
Hahahaaa!! I say Men shouldd pay for women.. I reckon its disrespectful.. unless the girl asks him out which i totally disagree!
wow still bloggin!
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