Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Chasing my Dream!

I had always prayed to God throughout last year that He should straighten my path, show me which course He wanted me to do, what career He wanted me to take. But I guess I was still reliant on myself. Thinking that I could do it on my own.

So when 2008 came and I was waiting for my offer letter from uni and didn't find it in the post I went to Insearch and asked them what happened? They tried to figure it out. It was not because of my marks, or a late registration. But something was stopping my application.

And they found it. It was such a minor error on my application. I FORGOT to fill out that I was an Insearch student. So bascially UTS got my application, saw that I had no background and rejected me!

The office lady said that there was nothing they could do. I would have to wait until another 2 weeks for the late round offers. In those 2 weeks I had no idea if I got in or not because that depends if there were any positions left in the competitive course I had selected-journalism.

The lady just said "its out of your hands. Just pray." I thought, 'pray? pray for a miracle. Your telling me to pray?' So it was dark and cloudy outside as I waited for the bus. I was speechless. I had nothing to say. I felt ashamed. I felt rejected. I felt stupid.

So I got home, told my mum everything. But something in me still said that I was better than this. I was made and destined for something bigger. I know that I shouldn't focus on the negative/reality but hey at this point it was going to be a reality of mine.

But I just knew that God wouldn't let me do this alone. He is teaching me something. Maybe I was too ignorant to see it or hear it last year but this year in 2008 God HIT me with it. He wanted me to be more depended on Him, realise that I have potential to be a better person, and to start believing in what He has trusted me with.

I look back, 2 years ago I was in the exact position. I finished high school. Got an average mark. No uni accepted me. All my hopes of uni had disappeared just as the sun disappears when rain is about to drown the earth. But I found out about Insearch. It gave me hope for further study. Further education. Broader career options. I took it.

And now I'm back in square 1. 2 years later I'm on the verge of no uni again. But God put something in me that I knew the world could not take away. I knew that my life was not determined by a uni, an institution, a govt, a church, a pastor, a leader, or even my parents. I knew my life was determined by God. If He wanted to me to go through this process, I will joyfully do it!

And I did because I had too. God made me do it. So the next 2 weeks, I stayed home much of the time, I sought out God, I woke up everyday and pray, sing, and read His words. Dwell in his presence of 1 hour and offer my prayers, faith, and problems in hope for an answer.

And everyday He was there. He was on time. I called for him He was there. Not like the buses or trains that don't stick to their timetables. But God was there when I needed Him. I guess, that's all I needed. I just needed Him and no one else.

He counted my tears, heard my prayers, and answered my calls.

I went to youth on the 1 week of my "2 weeks in Egypt trip" and Om Sam called for people who wanted to experience change in their lives. I went up, he prayed for me and God spoke to me and told me to let go of my bounds. Trust in God. Stop listening to the negativity around you and listen to Him.

So as each day passed I was strengthened by God. And at the end of the 2 weeks, I got a call and they told me I got into UTS.

I knew that was God. I kept on praying for it. I was desperate for it. And I got it.

What I learnt was that its not things of this world that determines your life, but its God hands that leads you into the path that He wants.


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