So in my last post I described how cofused I was and how much I was a total wreck in cell group. In this post I'd like to continue on a little bit more on it.So I eventually "settled" myself. I tried to think positive and look forward. Last Friday I went to the Friday church service at Artarmon. At first it was quite a struggle since the service had moved from teh City to Artarmon and the transportation was a little tricky-but when you know that tha is where you're supposed to be you'll end up fidning yourself there despite your excuses of "Oh, I can't because..."
I went and was really blessed. I mean no just blessed because I got what I wanted but I was blessed because of something else. You heard people say 'oh God blessed me with a new job so that's why I'm sharing about how God is so good to me.' But have you ever stopped, thought and shared about how Gos is still great even when things aren't going your way?
I often hear people testify about how wonderful God is when they get a new house or a new job or a new boy/girl-friend but what about when you're "own in the slums" will you still say God is great?
I feel as though God has been questioning and testing me on this. Will I still stay true to His word and His commands even if it "kills" me? Will I still trust God with my life and future even if at the moment all I can see are clouds and mist in my vision? Can I still say God is faithful even if everything I want (my dreams) are stripped away for a greater good that I currently have not completely understand. Will I fulfill every commitment I have made in Christ just as He has done so with every promise in me so far? Is my life all about keeping true to all the things I want or keeping true to all the things He has planned for me?
I hope that today you make the decision to be thankful with what you have even if it's not exactly what you want because He surely knows what you need more than you know yourself.
Anyways, I'm going off on a tangent now. So what did I learn on Friday night?
- sufferings and trials are to reveal the real me. Suffering is a way to correct me. So as I walk on this journey every expereince I go through is only there to show to me and not to anyone else what I'm capable of and who I really am inside.
- God will come around and test us: our faith, strength, talents, calling. When these are tested, we'll feel pain and suffering because it's like an exam we don't like it but have to do it.
- ministering out of experience enables one to minister to the life of Christ more effectively. I understand why I'm going through what I'm going through and that is to be a blessing to those who are in similar situations and to be a testament to the word of God that He is true and is faithful to us all. And on a personal note: this blog is a "project" from God to me where I pour out all my experiences here in hope that it will be a blessing to someone out there.
-the experience we go through so to train our sensitivity and compassion for thsoe around us who are in need.
- experience gives you the strength and convinces you that whatever happens in life God is still in control.
-trials when well managed will bring good results.
-through tribulations and process the end reward is to 'want nothing.'
-He is my refinier and I am the gold. He will not leave me in the heat but will watch over every step of the process of refinement.
Don't run away from the life experiences you face but go through it with the strength and wisdom of the Lord.
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