Thursday, July 01, 2010

Being a teen again...

A couple of weeks ago I went back to my old youth group. The last time I was there was about 7 years ago so I didn't know what to expect. I was going just to see what's been happening there.

I had such an awesome experience there straight from the get go. From the praise and worship God just filled His spirit in the room. I wasn't sure of the teens felt it but I knew He was there. There was an overwhelming feeling of love and desire to be close to these from God.

On a personal level I learnt that the Spirit was telling me that I had not even begun to skim the top of what God has planned for me. What He has planned for me will blow my mind away and I should anticipate the best!

I also learnt that we are all the same. No matter the age gap or whatever God sees us the same way. I need to have a 'child like faith' and keep believing in the impossible just like the teens should.

We often need to go back in order to move forward and I feel like going back to the youth group only served to remind me that we can never second guess God's plan for us. We never know what He has for us but by His grace He takes us into situations where He reveals parts of His greater plan for us. So just anticipate and be open to where He takes us. You never know what you learn or what part of the greater plan He is revealing to you!


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