Monday, November 22, 2010

My 'food' is to do the will of God.

Last Friday my Pastor had shared a very insightful message from John 4:32-38. This message had spoken directly into current situation. It brought strength and courage! It has made me more confident in my pursuit of God's will.

These are just some notes/statements that were my highlights:-
-Our 'food' is to do the will of God. To be faithful to it. In God there is something you cannot find on earth.

-May my appetite be to do the will of God. May His calling quench my thirst and hunger. 

-Nothing can beat the satisfaction of doing His will and pursuing it.

-If we are always in need of things and are unsatisfied then we are not pursuing His will for us.

-Doing the will of God compares to nothings else but total satisfaction.

John 4:35-> Holy Spirit interpreted 'field' for Steph as children, the next generation. They are ready to be shaped and moulded. 

John 4:37-> He doesn't want us to look at the situation, the finance, the timing etc. But God urges us to look at the harvest that is ready for reaping.

-Make God's will our 'food'. -> isn't this the life to live? To have His will as our diet?

John 4:38-> Jesus has sown the initial seed in us through the cross. Now it is our turn to reap the sown and let it be a blessing to others=sharing the blessings=sharing Christ.

-If you haven't been receiving the reap from God then perhaps you are not doing the will of God!

Powerful message!! 


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