Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My promise to you for your obedience.

As I've talked to my dad about going to leadership college, he has some concerns. He's concerned that instead of taking a step forward in my life and career I'm rather taking a step backward (according to him). He just doesn't want to see me regret and live a life always in "need". And I totallty understand where he is coming from. I mean I am the his eldest daughter, he has expectations of me to do well and succeed. And I have no problems with that expectation. I want to make my father happy and proud of me but when but when it comes to something like pursuing God's call over my life I won't compromise. And I'm thankful that my father understands this.

But of course knowing the 'thinker' and cautious person that I am, I think about it. I thought deeply about what my dad sais. What if I am taking a step backward? Why am I becoming even more dependent upon my parents when I should be making something of myself? Should I not be building a career and thriving success now? Lord what are you doing to me? Why is it that this decision that I'm taking making me look like I'm taking a step backward (to the "naked eye")? Should I not be moving forward now? These were thoughts that raced around my mind as I deeply thought about the conversation I had with my dad.

It made me restless. But I knew deep down in my heart that this was the right decision. And to show it God spoke to me through today's devotional that read:
My Princess Warrior, I have so many blessings I want to pour out on you. However, you hold the kids that unlock the amazing plans I have for your life. It is your obedience to me that will open the windows of heaven for you to receieve. If you trust Me, I will bless you with epace. If you share with others what I have given you, I will give you even more. If you choose My will over your rights, I will give you great favor wherever you go. If you will pray. I will give you power to change the world around you, My beloved Warrior. All that I ask is that you love and obey My commands, and you and your family will be forever blessed because of your obedience to Me!

This message spoke directly to my heart! I put a rest to all my conerns and restlessness. I know that God is saying to me that as I obey Him and obey His commands that God Himself will bless me and my family because of my obedience to Him.

And so I know that it may not make total sense to many people around me as to why I have chosen to make this decision but I know and believe that as I believe to obey His commands, He will be the One who blesses me and my family. And in that I trust and believe in my God!



At 10:59 AM, Blogger Elle said...

I stumbled across this blog while surfing others. If you find that's the path you want to take, you should take it. Even if at the end of the day, it doesn't turn out the way you want to, it's still best to make your own decisions.

Much luck with that.



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