Salt of the Earth, Light of the World.
Exhausted! Yesterday, my church celebrated Christmas. Yes, its an early Christmas as many of us will be on holidays during the Christmas break, so we arranged for an early celebration.I was already at church at 8.30am helping with the decorations for the Sunday School Christmas Celebration. There were many decorations that entertained the room very excitingly but the most important for the kids to grasp was the theme of the celebration - Salt of the Earth, Light of the World.
Taken from the chapter Mattew, of the Bible, we wanted the kids to understand and to live life by being a blessing to the earth and by being a shining light in the world. We turned the light off and lit up a candle to demonstrate the meaning of this theme. Most of the kids actually listened and seemed amazed by what being the light of the world means. Among the darkness of the room, the kids sat in silence to watch. Whether or not they fully understand and live by it, I don't know as many of the kids are among the ages of 5 - 10 year olds. But I truly believe that every week we meet I am planting these as seeds into their soft, loving, un-polluted hearts, where it will one day grow into something bigger, greater, stronger - character and their love for their Father.
One of the teachers gave a story, so the kids can understand the value of Christmas and the birth of baby Jesus. The story: there was once a man who worked as the control operator of a bridge that liftss in the middle so that boats could pass by below and the cars would wait. This man has a son who would always come to work with him. One day the father told the boy to stand by the bridge and wait for the father. The son did what the father told him to do. As the father was at the control room, he saw a bus load of people that was about to drive off while the bridge was still up, letting the boats pass. The father was in a panic mode. He didn't kow what to do. He saw the bus driving closer and closer down the road. He had two options, turn the bridge back on and let the bus load of people drive pass or to leave the bridge up and save his own son at the bottom of the bridge. ------ The man decided to pull the bridge down and save the bus load of people and let his own son die.
The meaning and value of this story to me was so touching and emotionally sad. I live my life, day in, day out, moring til night, meal after meal, and not realising the great value of my life! I was spiritually and emotionally awakened by this story - as I know it is just a story - but it truly represented the value of Christmas, the value of Christ, and the value of live and death. The Father sacrificed His own son for the rest of us.
Maybe to some of you, this means nothing and to some of you it may mean a lot more. But the message I'm trying to show is that if God gave his own son for us, can you imagine what your birth father, dad, daddy, papa would do for you? Because for me, I have always come back to realise that if my Father above would give such a great gift to me, what wouldn't my birth father give to me?
My last words for this blog: value this Christmas in all ways possible, whether with family, friends, gifts, or time - just value it and see the sacred worth of giving.
Value your loved ones.
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