Saturday, July 21, 2007

A Childlike Faith!

I recently learnt about having a childlike faith. A faith that never questions, but just follows. Many people already know the story about the boy who had 5 pieces of bread and 2 pieces of fish (John 6:1-14), but I was enlightened with a new perspective.

From this story, I learnt three things: (easily applicable)
1. The child (boy) is willing to give. He has faith that Jesus would do extraordinary things. The boy knows that once he gives his possessions of the fish and bread, a miracle will happen = faith.

Interestingly enough, the boy is not concerned about the amount of food he is giving, he simply gives. Imagine, how is one supposed to feed 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 pieces of fish? This was not question that the boy considered. He just gave it all. Which questions me, 'what do i have?' I shouldn't be concerned about the amount.

2. The boy takes risks and makes a difference. He takes action and moves. He is not afraid that he is in a crowd full of 5000 other people who may be alot older and woser than himself. But he continues to move forward without any hesitation. The thing is not everyone moves -> everyone knows what the right thing to do is yet not many people take and make the right move because they are ashame or afraid.

You have to fight the good fight because there is nothing for free (except salvation). So don't hide behind your insecurities because you will never advance! So take courage and take risks because it better than just sitting and playing comfortably.

3. The kid gives it all. Live your life with passion. Do everything with all your heart, mind, and strength. This shows that you are passionate about something/life.

So possess a childlike faith and be an impact!


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