Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So YOU Think YOU Can Dance?!

I've been watching reality tv show "So You Think You Can Dance" recently. I think its entertaining and great to watch. But interestingly enough as I'm watching it I think to myself 'who are these people judging and determining whether a dancer can dance or not...whether they can get into the next round or not?' Because I mean isn't dance about expressing yourself?

I questioned this with one of my friends and he answered 'well dance is when you can dance to the beat. There are people there who can't dance to the beat' But I'm thinking 'isn't the beat from the heart?'

Its unusual and can be seen from different lights... I'm just araising this issue and point of view across becuase I think its one sided and distorted.

I mean you dance accodring to what you feel, how can someone come along and say that's not dance??

Anyway, isn't the title 'So YOU Think YOU Can Dance'???


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