I think I can pull my head out of the sand now...
Towards the end of last week, as I was talking with my mum, I've decided to start fasting. I need to fast about my ministries. I've figured that I've been under alot of pressure from uni work that indirectly affects my "performance" in my ministries.
Currently, I'm involved in 2 ministries: Sunday School and BIG (campus ministry). After having our regualr Sunday School meetings, the leaders have decided to restucture Kidz Church, which will mean major changes in the way we conduct our classes. This will also mean that there is going to be more work for each teacher. And I knew that my place in Sunday School will never change in that there is no way I would let that ministry go.
Now my "dilemma" is whether I can cope with the ministries that I have now and on top of that writing a book for my Pastor. I know that the book is also something I'm not willing to let go because I know that it's part of my "calling" in that writing is where I'm supposed to be (if that makes any sense).
But BIG is something I'm also not willing to let go because I've grown alot within this misintry and have built a community where I'm comfortable in.
But looking back as to how I got into BIG was not based on prayer or calling but rather because there was a need of help there so I "lent the hand" but somehow have gotten so involved in it that I can't seem to figure how I got there. And this raises the question of where my place is.
A friend had once advised me that it's better to be in your "calling" rather than being a place where you're not supposed to be. You shouldn't hold onto something just because you don't want to let go because you could be needed more much somewhere else but you're too busy being in a place where you're not "needed."
This opened up my perspective. And so now I'm at the stage where I think I know what the right decision is but rather than making a rash decision, I'm going to let God decide what I should do. It is for this reason I'm partaking in this fasting. And for how long I will be fasting I guess will depend on when I found out my answer.
Steph!!! : )
it's comforting to know what/whichever you let go...
someone will always be there to take care of it
if you know of whom i mean ; )
that's also a leap of faith ^^
Hey Andra!!
Thanks for the comment and support! I know that even the tiniest seed of faith will help me overcome the giant mountain. =D
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