Wednesday, March 04, 2009

The rollercoaster ride that never ends?

Okey so the story was that I went overseas to get some work experience. Before I had left everything seemed like it was "working out." But it turned out that God had other plans for me and He had tried to tell me this even before I checked in at the Sydney airport.

He used the vision, in my previous post (calm before the storm) to tell me of what was ahead of me. When He gave me the understanding of what was going on I immediately felt: how foolish was I? All this time I was walking the wrong path and trying to fix it. But I couldn't fix it because He wanted to teach me patience, perserverance, faith and the discerning spirit.

You know you walk down a path and you know it's danger but He let's you walk it because He wants to show you something? Well that was me in Indo. I didn't get to do what I wanted because He wanted me to do what He wanted. And what was it?

It was to live outside my comfort zone, to find out the destiny He has planned for me and to start working towards it, to sharpen my faith, to sharpen my sensitivity to the things that are around me, and to have material for my writing.

One thing I am most appreciative of during my time in Indo was when I got to go and see villages in Indo. I took photos, which I will upload soon. There, I was opened to see life outside my square. I know now that when I whine about how bad my situation is I need to remember of these people who seem to live through everything.

It is my goal that when I go back to Indo I want to make a documentary.

This was definitely a rollercoaster ride for me but when I knew what He wanted I knew that I was on the right track.

My advice is: when He is taking you on a rollercoaster ride or when He is taking you to what seems "the dark" road, be sure to be faithful and strong in Him for whatever happens God's word is that He works for the greater good of those He loves.

So stick it out guys! =)


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