Thursday, July 01, 2010

What are you afraid of?

I only came to realise today how 'afraid' I am of going to Indonesia. I was on the bus today doing my errands when I realised how much my life is going to change in 1 week. I won't be able to do what I am used too, do what I like. My life will be more constricted in some ways yet liberating in others. But I know that I have to be strong and push forward and put aside my worries. For the greater part of my life is to let His will be done in me and if that means to sacrifice little things like my freedom, finances, comfort then let it be because I know in my heart that though it may seem like I'm leading a constricted life in God but really it has been and will continue to be the most liberating and awesome journey. And flying out to Indonesia next week is going to be another chapter of this journey I am on. So I should not be afraid but look forward to what's ahead! =)


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