Friday, September 07, 2007

Listen! Or Mummy Talk!

Looks, like I have been neglecting my blog for exactly a month! Sorry! hehe.. I have been meaning to write but work just keeps getting me..My sincere apologies to my faithful readers! *waRm smiLe*

Anyways, so I had to teach last Sunday.. nothing different there except for the fact that I had to teach the older kids, aged between 8-12 years. I have taught them in a while, so I was "a bit out of touch", to say the least...

When I woke up that day, I was glad to be teaching the older kids (seniors) but that all changed once I got into the room... They didn't listen to me.. I couldn't get their attention, and worst of all they were cursing and physically abusing each other!

That was a sight for sore eyes for me.. I mean I am used to that in a school environment but to see that kind of behaviour in the house of the Lord, I think is definately unacceptable!!!

So I got one of the kids to pray for opening... and guess what he prayed for?! Yeph, that's right he prayed that in class the kids wouldn't fight, or hit or swear. He prayed that they would behave and care for one another.. Once I heard that, I was like yes I believe with my faith that this will happen...

I guess I was a bit optimistic! Once I opened my eyes, the total opposite happened! They were back to fighting and hitting! I didn't know what to do! So I told them off.. but 2 seconds later that didn't work.. so I said the next person who did it will be sent to the corner... but even that didn't work..

With a heavy heart and much deliberation (in the space of time I could have whilst yelling) I said that if that happened again I would send that person outside... but after saying that I was already regretting it as I thought that once theyr were outside they could go walkabouts.. and get lost.. but I said that I will not send them out because they were going to listen now!

Again, I was very optimistic... as again they were cursing like it was nothing.. so I said that I will have a "mummy talk" with the next child who disobeys me.. that FINALLY got their attention and repentance...

The moral from this post: there have been times in your life when God has specifically said to you to stop doing.. such as sin that you seem to keep on repeating... you know its wrong and He has tried to stop you but you fall and fall again... its just the same as me trying to get they children to listen and behave... I don't do that because I hate them or don't love them.. but that's just the fact! I love them to the extent that only through disciplinary action that I could help them to become better Christians, better children, better friends, better citizens and hopefully better mothers and fathers in the future!

This is exactly how God wants us to be! He tells us that there somethings that cannot be done or have placed "barriers" because He knows better.. like the way your parents know better, how your teachers know better, and how I know what is better for my Sunday school kids.

So whatever God has told you to stop doing, stop it! The ramifications are far worse than what your currrent situation reveals. Things in life are not as difficult just as long as you take your faith, believe and know that at the end your are a winner...

Don't wait until you get the "mummy talk"!


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