Friday, September 07, 2007

Stop Living in Fear! Take it Day by Day!

Have you ever that the thoughts of 'why me?! I can't do the work! I'm not capable to that! why do I have so much responsibilities?' cross your mind?

Well I frequently do! So frequent that at times I believe that I am not able... I am not smart enough etc. I've learnt lately that if you were brought to it, there is a purpose, and you will learn and overcome it.

I look back and think God why do you believe in me? Why do you entrust me with so many responsibilites? Why do you always pick me and make me stand out? Why does it always have to be me? I am young, unexperienced, and not as smart.

But hey, I guess somebody up there see more than that. Because time after time, trial after trial, failure after failure, He still puts me up there. He still trust me. He still believes in me. He still loves me. Thta's the amazing thing! Because from a worldly perspective once you fail and trip over people don't want to know you anymore... they distance themselves away from you. But God never backs down.. He never stops to defend His children. He's always there looking down at you. He's there walking beside you. He's there even to carry you across the mountenous problems you face.

So why do we still fear? Fear the unknown? Fear the greatness in us? Fear the success? Fear the person we become? These questions I face everyday... and simply I come to the conclusion that things must be taken day at a time.. it is written in the Bible that one days work is ebough for one day... so why do we still over think about our future? why do we fear it so much that we drive ourselves mental?

God opened a revelation to me when I was pondering these thoughts and questions. He said that even Jesus took things one at a time. Day by day. Jesus knew perfectly well that we was sent to earth as the Messaiah but he didn't go around at the age of 10 years old and telling people that he was the King that everyone was waiting for. No! He waited until it was His time. He just believed in his Father. And with his faith he waited until he was 30 years old until God promoted Him.

I take this as a reflection of my life and even yours. You know what God has given you. You know what He wants from your life. You know your calling but your still afraid. Don't be! Just take it day by day because He is there watching you.. walking beside you.. and even carrying you..!!

Stop fearing what God already sees in you!


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