Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Having said that...

I did enjoy my Valentines Day... On the Saturday I went to a Valentines night event at church. Initially, I had doubts about going considering my feelings about Valentines and the whole 'set-up' thing I didn't wanto to go through. But hey I thought to myself 'this is a new year, new things, new challenges, and new mindset'. So I went.

I went in, leaving my negativity at the door. And to tell you the truth, I really enjoyed myself! It was definately not the "setting up or pairing up" sort of thing. It was more of a friendly gathering, meeting new people and just having a ball.

We played a series of games in groups, had dinner. I guess, what I really enjoyed most about it was the fact that I let go and opened myself to new experiences... I knew that the "old" me would never go to such events but you know as they say, 'there's a time to try new things' and plus my group won the last game! We were given a pair of scissors, red crepe paper, white cardboard, stickytape and 10 mins to create/design a lantern. Here it is:


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