Thursday, November 27, 2008

I now see the fruits of my surrenderance.

My previous post was about me chasing down Him and His ways for me to do work experience in Jakarta. Since then He has truly shown me how great and awesome He is in my life.

My heart is full to gratitude to He who has and will continually provide for me.

So to pick up the events of my last blog post, I have been surrendering all in His hands. Over the weekend nothing much really happened in terms of confirmation of work experience in Indo. Honestly, I began "itching" again for the pen. I was beginning to think that I should grab the pen that I had already surrendered to Him and just do it my way. Make things happen through my own will and ways. But I scolded by God. He was teaching me that as I have surrendered to Him, I need to wait on Him.

So I obeyed until Wednesday (yesterday) when a friend of mine said that he was going to see our church Pastor. My mum suggested that I should go and see the Pastor and ask her to pray for me and maybe God will say something as to what I should do next. And as my friend encouraged me, I went.

But before I went, I had taken my grandma (mum's aunty) to the airport. She was one of the people who God used to tell me that I should go to Jakarta. And when I saw her, she told me to just go whether you get confirmation or not. When you get there, God will open another door for you. At this, I simply said 'yes grandma.' She was very insistent on me going. And I guess I just needed a final confirmation from Him.

And that's why I decided to go to see my Pastor. I told her everything about my current situation. At first she agreed with my mum about not going to Indo and working here. But when I told her the rest of the story she concluded that I should go and do it. She had changed her mind because she saw my obedient heart of when my mum said no then no. She said that it was your obedient heart that turn your mum's heart.

Plus, what's more is that she is the key that I had been waiting for to open up the door to do work experience in Indo. She said that she will speak to her contacts and get me a work placement with one of the biggest TV stations in Indo.

This was the gift that God was waiting to give me. This was the reward that He had set aside for me.

My Pastor had been the 8th person to bring the confirmation from God about doing this work experience.

What I've learnt from this whole experience is that:
- don't wait until God "hits you over the head" with His mighty force. If He has given you signs, confirmations don't wait until the 8th one like me!
- trust Him wholeheartedly. When you think you want the 'pen' (control) back, stop and trust Him.
- be patient. His ways are much more greater than your own.
- use the 'free time' to praise and worship Him. Use the time to socialize with Him and seek His secrets.
- praise and worship is a great way to 'connect' with Him. It will replace all your sorrows, troubles, pain and suffering to peace and joy.
- if He has called you to 'jump' then 'jump.' Don't think, calculate just do it!
- His love for your is so great so don't think for a second that He is far from your prayers.
- start everything you do with a prayer. You requests that are founded on prayers will surely bring you success. And anything other that prayers will only bring you trouble.
- obey your parents. Learn to obey them as they are His representatives on earth.

So guys, step out in faith and in surrenderance!!! Understand that your every tear is contained by Him, your every prayer is heard by His open ears, your every heart beat is felt by Him. His heart is yours from now on and forever. SO take it!


At 10:04 PM, Blogger Mia said...

Km kapan bakal balik Indo?
Gonna miss u tephie
learn as much as you can disana ya ;)
and enjoyyy!!!

At 12:58 PM, Blogger tephiee said...

Hehe.. thank you Ci!
I'll be leaving on the 19th January.
I'm excited! =)

At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoaa.. very encouraging..
Thanx!! =]


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