I've just arrived home from my church camp that went on for 2 days 2 nights. They were 2 days and 2 nights of awesomeness!!The camp's theme for this year was 'Moving Forward.' And as usual I didn't know what to expect at these camps. I just prepared an expectant heart.
During this camp I was also rostered to teach Sunday School. That was great! It was kind of like a normal Sunday School class but mixed in with more activities and more fun!
I enjoyed my time with the kids. They really wore me out when we played 'Amazing Race' since I followed them around the whole circuit just in case they might fall or soemthing. By the end of it I was really really tired and I wanted to do was sleep...
At the camp I had learnt upon many things about how to be focused on what is ahead of me, to let myself be free, how the 'shakings' in life only show strength, your life is influenced by the news you hear, start declaring what God has promised us, when you decalre it, you will see it, trials show how much we have grown-we lose heart when we stop trying, you cannot attain the 'new' until you take off the 'old', you need to be emptied to receive the new and move forward, the increase of faith = facing trials/crisis = emptying of self.
I also had an awesome experience with God during the annointing session. As I was waiting for my turn for annointing and even before anyone had prayed for me, I was really into the Spirit. My anticipation for something great had increased.I kept on singing, speaking in tongue and pushing my Spirit to extend all barriers both in the mind and physically (I was tired). I remember as I was praying I saw a black hole and it represented me. I was backslidding into that hole. A hole where I knew if I continued the way I lived, with compromise, I would fall into the black hole deeper and wouldn't be able to get out. So I forced my Spirit to praise and worship Him.
It was then my turn. My Pastor from church had laid his hands on my head and right palm. The Spirit within me intensified. I couldn't hold on any longer. I broke out. I felt sick. I felt like I wanted to vomit but something came out.
My Pastor took his time. He didn't say anything right away. I began to fear. I thought there had been something wrong with me. I remember thinking that but my Spirit told me to let him take his time.
The first words I recalled him saying were "broken, broken spirit." And when I heard those words they were like piercing swords into my stomach and ringing bells in my ear. My mind immediately knew what was being said but it seemed like my Spirit knew it before and my mind was just catching up.
My Pastor continued to say that "you have and will continue be broken. It will hurt but you will become better out of it."
And we continued to speak in tongue. At this point my Spirit was intensified further. I could feel the pressure rising up to my head. It felt like my head was going to explode. My ears were burning with heat. My mouth wouldn't stop speaking in tongue. My stomach wouldn't stop hurting.
I began to cry harder as the pain (like a turning force in my stomach added with some sharp pokes) in my stomach wouldn't stop. The feeling is indescribable. It was so bad that I kept on bending forward and started to push my fingers into my stomach. I was trying to make the pain go away by pushing force into it. But it didn't work.
During this time I remember my Pastor placing his hands on my stomach and forcing whatever it was in my stomach to get out. Then the pain moved to my upper stomach, just below the chest. I kept on poking at it. I remember my state of mind. I was asking it (whatever the pain was) to go away. I remeber saying (whenever the Spirit let me speak) "sakit, sakit, ambil, sakit Om, sakit" = 'take it, take it away, it hurts Pastor, it hurts.' And by that time I recall hearing a thump on the ground my Pastor's hands were no longer on my head or right palm. He had fallen to the ground in front of me while he was praying for me.
I physically had opened my eyes for a split second but the speaking in tongue and pain didn't go away. The Pastor's wife came and continued to pray for me. I didn't know what happened. I just remember my Pastor lying on the ground with his hands raaised to the back. [Apprently he was down for a while.]
By this time the pain had moved to my throat and around my neck. It was like as if my throat was tightening up. I couldn't breathe. I tried to rip my shirt off but it didn't. It moved to my throat. I pierced my fingers into throat. I tried to rip my skin off. I was pinching my skin. Still the pain didn't go away.
And throughout this my Pastor (the wife now) was speaking into my hear. She said that the burden has be taken off you now, you will begin to see what God see, you will do what God does, you will hear what He hears, you will speak like Him etc. And when I heard that I immediately remembered my prayer reqyest for 2009 and that what to hear, see, feel what God hears, sees and feels.
I knew it was a confirmation of things that I had prayed and fasted for earlier this year.
I calmed down and retreated to the toilet. In sch confusion yet clarity at the same time I cleaned myself up.
It was an like an unreal feeling. It happened so quick. My mind wasn't able to catch up with my Spirit.
Before I left the camp to go home I greeted my Pastors. My Pastor (the husband) just said you will be broken so you can rise up and move forward. It will hurt but it's for your own good. The pain that you experienced was the same as the pain I experienced but so much harder. That's why I had fallen. But now you have no burden on you. Just move forward!
And with that that's how I concluded my awesome time with God at ROCK Sydney's 2009 Camp 'Moving Forward.'
awesome experience!!!, GBU stev
Thanks Aldo!
GBU too! =)
Waww.. great experience!!
And when you walk with God just carry whatever the yoke that He places over you. The yoke is easy and light. Matt 11:30.
Do not add anything else by ur own pleasem its not your call (the unnecessary yoke), hehehe... ^.^
God Bless
Thank you for the advice!
I'm learning not to take on too much and just do the best with what I've got.
Sorry but who are you? =)
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