My life is a book.
I've been "lost" lately. From my previous posts, I've written about how I can't see clearly (spiritually) and how it's "annoying" me. I realised today that everything I'm going through God has already prepared me for or at least He has already told me.I was praying today for unwavering strength from Him and He made me understand that all the prayers, visions, and feelings from the past half year has all led up to this. This feeling of uncertainty, blurred sight, yet hopeful future.
I was reminded of:
- God's message through Pastor Michel: God is writing, give Him the pen. Just let it go and let Him write.
- the vision of me jumping off the cliff with no safety harness. He asked me to 'free fall into Him.'
- the vision of 'calm before the storm.' 2009 is the year of "process" for me.
- the prayer that my writing will bless others. That all stems from experience and so I experience all this so I can be a blessing for others.
- God's message through Pastor Sam: you will be broken. God has taken away all my dreams and desires. I have nothing left. I am empty and is ready for His dream and His desires.
- the vision of me driving down the road with a foggy window. I'm sitting in the car seat yet I'm not steering the wheel. I can't see anything. I don't know where I'm going but I know that the destination is His plan. The destination is not important. It's the journey and trusting Him that counts.
- I've lost my desire to pursue a career in journalism. I realise this is part of the 'emptying' out. I know that's not my place and that my place is wherever He wants me to be at.
All this is summed up in one chapter - Psalm 86: 1-17. I read this today and I realised how amazing He is. As I am walking that path, experiencing all this, He has already told me what to do and He has already set out the outcome. It's all written in the greatest book of all-The Bible.
So I realise my life is like a book. He is the writer and I'm the main character.
I like this part: " He is the writer and I'm the main character".
Good to know that you let Him be in control.
Keep up the faith. Stay blessed!!
Hey Ps. Michel,
Thanks for the comment and support. I've tried to "run" away from His control but then I just find myself in tangles. So I've just given up and surrendered to Him.
Hope all is well with you! GBU! =)
People like "me".. tend to think too much. Sometimes try to make make everything that happen in our life understandably logical. Otherwise, it is hard for me to accept what I consider as "bad things" that happen in our life, which is in fact one of Gods amazing works in our life.
The great wisdom that is given to us shouldn't be used against Him,trying to understand what He is doing. Becoz we will never understand that until His time allowed us to.
Instead, the wisdom should be used for something else. for helping others...
I will move on and enjoy the ride with God, focus more on others. Besides, my rides wasn't that bad, in fact it is quite fun when I look back of what has been happening to me!
Its only my own thinking/worry that prevent me to feel enjoyable on that rides. Ahhhh Useless worryness...
Go and shine brightly Princess of God, just by being who you are in God. Knowing that your Dad is King of all Kings. Thats should be more than enough warrant isn't it?
He surely Loves you!
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