You are my daughter
After Youth service on Sunday 8th November 2009 I finally spoke to my Pastor about what God encouraging me to talk to him. I told him everything about God's revelations when I'm writing notes down during his preachings. With this he just said "remember I already asked you to write for me." This was God reminding me that writing is what I'm supposed to do.I also told my Pastor about my compassion that is often stirred up when I see my Pastor. And with this he just said that the Holy Spirit is bringing us together in Spirit to do the things we are called to do which is to spread the gospel to all nations. When he said that everything amde sense. I knew why the Holy Spirit was encouraging me to talk to my Pastor. It was to amke me understand and believe in the calling for the church.
He then prayed for me and from that day onwards, I am my Pastor's daughter and the Spirit my Pastor has, he has also passed unto me.
I've learnt that whatever "query" you have your Father will always ahve the answer.
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