Tears of a teacher...
In Kidz Church today during the praise & worship I tear-ed up. Not because I had a fight with the kids or because of something terrible but purely because of God's presence and love for His kids.We were singing the song "Heart of Worship" and towards the end Asya (the worship leader) asked only the kids to sing the chorus. And as I stood there I was "in the moment" where nothing mattered. It didn't matter that I was tired, sleepy, hungry, feeling the pressure from uni work etc. All that didn't matter. What seemed to be most important was being in a room filled with all His precious little ones. I stood there with my eyes shut, head raised up, ears opened listening to the small voices coming out of the small little bodies of these kids. They literally sang out on the top of their lungs the words:
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that your my God
You're all together lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
And all I could do was cry. Tears of uplifting, tears of joy and of love came running down my cheeks. I knew God was saying that this is what He wanted-to hear His children sing to Him for it is pleasing in His eyes.
I knew that as the kids were singing that song, heaven stoppped and all the angels came about to listen and witness His precious ones loving Him through worship. It was indescribable.
I mean we as teachers get tired with routines, the same thing every week, "active" and "non-active" kids, those who listen and those who don't but seriously at the end of the day what we do is not just a service, it's not just a lesson but it's taking these kids on a journey to experience God, to love Him and to know Him on a personal level. And after seeing and listening to those kids sing that song like that I know that all the things we do in preparation for it is worth nothing. I mean all the hard work and maybe critics about how tired we get but when we get to witness something like this everything doesn't matter because we know that what we do is just for Him.
So I'm learning that whatever I do, no matter how tired or frustrated or pressuring it is know that it's all rewarded by Him and at times it may not be through materialistic things. It could be the small things in life like listening to the kids sing like that. It's priceless.
Priceless indeed...reminds me of the time that something similar to that happened at GBI Kids Church..awesome n definitely indescribable
There are some things in life that cannot be described by words and for me (so far) it's when I'm with kids! =)
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