This is better than Bali... Seriously!!
My sister and cousin had already left for Indo last Friday but I decided to stay in Sydney for another week. Why? Because of Hillsong Conference 2010!And it turns out (as I expected) to be more than I had imagined! It was awesome and mind blowing! So I know now that everything that God has planned is for the greater good of His children. I had bought these tickets 1 year ago to the date and I had never imaged how it would become such a blessing and how much God would reveal to me.
But I know definitely now that God is a definite planner even to the very detail!
Anyways, I just wanted to share very briefly what I've gotten so far at the Conference:
-It is time for me to become the 'Christ' to someone out there. I have to be the 'hands' and 'feet' for someone. No more excuses, just actions with faith!
-Humanity is to give an uncomplicated path to... (whatever you are called to do)
-What I may think is "dead" may NOT be dead! Believe in God because He is able to turn things around.
-Think about this statement: 'Jesus WAS dead'. What does that insinuate? You would think that death was a "guarantee" but for Jesus it may not.
-God loves us so much that He works on His own timetable and not our's. So don't complain when things aren't going your way. He has prepared the best for last!
-God transcends logic! And so He will "awaken"/"reignite your"dead" dreams and passions just as Jesus did to Lazarus.
-Don't wait for the 'someday' but think and believe and do it today!
-Realise that our God is not just our comforter but also our emancipator, healer, redeemer etc. So don't restrict Him because He wants to make us who He created us to be.
-What God said He can do, He will do. It requires not just hope but also faith!
-One child at a time. A change one person's life, creates opportunity and it is then potential surfaces.
-It is God's speech that makes our speech necessary!
-God can do what we cannot do!
-We need to speak what He has spoken into our lives!
-The Spirit of the Lord is upon us to be spokespersons of His Gospel!
-Lean into your strengths and delegate your weaknesses!
-God has designed you to do something but don't do what you are NOT designed to do!
-Do what you are good at and delegate your weaknesses.
All these simple but powerful statements resound quite strongly in my heart and situation! But most of all through today's Conference that it has reassured me as God says "I am writing your story Steph for it to be one day preached so don't be afraid of 'My pen' (process etc.) that is being used to write your life story. Do not be afraid of where I am going to take you. You have not seen or heard the skim of it yet! Freely surrender to Me! Because that is what these speakers did! They were responsive and available to My call and assignment. And that is how and why they are speaking today at this Conference. Because of the experience and journey they have walked and continue to walk in is why there are such great speakers. But most of all they weren't afraid of 'My pen' (process etc.) So for you too Steph, do not be afraid of what I have installed for you. Your "tribulations" now are only 'catapulting' instruments I am using to elevate and bring life to the Word, to My Word! Do not be afraid My child!"
And how awesome is our God(?) as I sit here and type this out He is placing words in my mind and heart. They are arranged beautifully to make powerful and mind blowing statements that I know are NOT mine for I am not that smart. But it is truly His Spirit that resides in my heart. It is only further reminding me of God's promise to me that my writing will be sharpened to touch peoples' lives! And God I declare to You now, today that I am open and I surrender to You only!
I stand not afraid of where You will take me or what You will do to me for I know that You are with me and You are for me! I will work for You and find rest only in You!
Be blessed always my dear! =)
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