Saturday, March 03, 2007

A New Direction!

Wow! It has been quite a while since the last time I wrote in this blog. I guess partly its because the initial purpose of this blog has come to an end. The semester is over and a new one has begun. I felt that that was it. That the days of me writing in this blog had ended. Yet, surprisingly I missed writing in it. Expressing what I had felt. The things that had passed in my life without being expressed in this blog had becoem somewhat meaningless.

So as I turn to a new page, to a new chapter, to new "phase" in my life, so does my blog. I will still be writing about things that I feel are important to share but I guess the thing that has changed is the audience. My lecturer and classmate might no longer be viewing it and so maybe that's why it has taken me some time from writing in my blog. BUT I know now that its not about who is reading it but just as a means of me expressing myself. (which I don't often do) hehe..

As a result, I will drive myself to write in this blog as I feel so attached to it. So, I hope you guys will enjoy journeying with me, randomz-tephiee, on the path of running this race called life!