Friday, December 22, 2006

A Walk Down Memory Lane!

One of my teachers from high school was leaving. She was moving to Wollongong. I decided to get her a gift and see her for the last time. This particular teacher was one of my favourite and in a way the most "influential" of them all. She helped me alot with my studies, publics speaking and getting elected as School Captain. So I thought that it was the least I could do. To go see her.

I haven't been back to my high school in a very long time. It might have been almost a year since the last time I walked down the streets of my high school. And the thing that I guess I didn't prepare for was the emotionally connections that had been rooted in the streets of my high school. This might sound unusual and strange but as I was walking down the street I felt really emotioanl and began on a journey of memories. I began to remember the other students walking down the same street as me, the friends I had, the moments that made me laugh, the moments that really shaped me to become the person I am today. A large part of me right now has been due to the influence, the people and the surroundings of my high school. And so, I feel that I have to give so much of myself back to that school.

At this point, I was walking really slowly, cherishing the moment I have right at that hour to, I guess come back to my "roots". I felt a little nostalgic and really emotional as I remember that at this time last year, I just finished my HSC, i ended my high school life, and I was on my way to Indonesia for holidays. As I was reminiscing to those times, I heard a airplane fly pass and I looked up and saw it was a Qantas flight. At that moment a rush of all the memories of my last year in high school came flooding into my mind. The highlights, the lowlights, the happy times and the sad times were reminded.

- how i long to be back in high school. the "innocence" of my world then -

My high school was located next to a church and I remember always that one of the Catholic sisters would walk by and say 'hi', or they would be gardening in the sun and right at that moment, I saw ahead of me was one of the sisters. I remember how she would stop me at my tracks and just chat with me about life, school, future etc. I remember exactly the conversations we would have and I though to myself, 'would she remember who I was?' and as I was walking closer and closer towards her, she smiled and walked by with her umberalla, reminding me of the first time I had my encounter with her.

Just a smile. Then a chat. Then a conversation. Then memories, which become, sadly, my past.

At this point on my journey back to my high school, I was passing the church. The day was bright and glorious as I squinted my eyes to look up at the Holy Cross. I took a moment to thank God for what I have and for all that i have achieved. I remember how every year when it was exams time I would walk to school with my notes and trying to squash as much as possible into my brain just beofre the exam but then to stop as I was getting closer to the church. When I got to the church I would fold away my notes and give a simple and short prayer for my exams. Though it was not a long prayer I knew from that point onwards that my day and my exams will be go ahead just fine. All my insecurites, doubts and frights would be washed away.

At the end of my journey to my high school, I reached my purpose, to see and farewell my teacher. But what I learnt was not from my purpose but from my process. Have you heard that saying that goes something like: what matters is not the end result but the process in which you achieved the end result? Well that was what I learnt that day. I was reminded back to my "roots" and how the people and surroundings have shaped me to become the individual I am today.

... Time flies by swiftly … The end of another year … The end of another chapter in my life …

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Balloons Galore!

Aahh..woke up early this morning beause I was called in for work at Mr Balloons. They received a massive job from Microsoft for their Christmas Party at Luna Park. The theme was prom night, hence the colour selection of pastel baby blue and pastel baby pink. They wanted use to make a garland to decorate the ballroom. A garland looks like this:This particular job required 3000 balloons, 10 Mr Balloons staff, and alot of strength. We started to work on this from around 8.30 am and finished at about 12.30 pm, which was pretty good as we made too many balloons and had to sliently pop them so that our boss didn't hear.

It was great fun! Except the part when it got to about the 2nd and 3rd hour when everyone was tired and just wanted to get it over and done with. This was Mr Balloons 2nd time making a garland. The first time was in 2004. The creation of a garland requires quad's of 2 pink and 2 blue and twist them onto a fishing line. Its that simple. The only hard part was inflating the balloons as tying them into a knot. That was really hard and tiring.

Inspite of the hard work, the end product is fabulous, don't you think?

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Life Is Full Of Differing Interpretations!

I had the chance to visit the Art Gallery of NSW today. I haven't been there since I was in year 3 or 4, so I had some troubles locating the place but eventually I got there. Initially, I didn't know what to expect, I didn't know what to see. As I saw each art work, I questioned myself 'so, what is the significance of this painting? what makes it so great that it is placed in the art agllery?' These questiosn flew through my minds as I roamed around the gallery. I was trying to imagine myself during the time when each paintings were created. I was trying to locate its purpose, it meanings and its value. At times I couldn't even answer these questions but I knew that it was the fact that I didn't know why these paintings were so valuable that made them unique and attractive. I learnt that if I knew everything then that would totally be stupid. It is because of the unknown factor that draws me to galleries such as these and also history. I love history because I know that I don't know everything little thing of that period but it is because of that that I am drawn into the study of history, of its relations, its contexts, and its differing interpretations of things.

I saw this one piece of art work and I was like 'what the? what is the meaning of this art work? An example is seen in the figure below. When I first saw it, I thought it was really ugly. Bt I steped back and looked at it again and realised that it is unique. I realised that some art works to me were just a form of expression from the artist and should not be judged whether it is good or not. I know that I don't like it but that doesn't mean that everyone else shares the same view. It is here that I learnt that in life you do encounter and meet people who are totally different and who have very different perspectives to you. But that does not mean that they are a lesser person that myself. And I realised that it is through these differing perspectives that makes the world rotate. I know that this is very stupid of me to point out but I really value differing perspectives as it allows me to be exposed to different views and conflicts that may allow me to grow. I really believe that the art gallery was one of the places that allowed me to realise this.

Another piece of art work that changed my perspectives on things was the one below. It was an Aboriginal art work made about the morning when one would wake up and be enveloped in the bright blue sky, chirpings of nature adn the subtle rushings of the waterfall. Looking at this painting took my imagination on over ride. I began to imagine how it would make me feel if I had the opportunity to live like this. How would my life would be so different to how it is now. But the greatest insight of all was that it gave me the chance to see how it was for Aboriginal people to live in such wealth of nature. Though the colours used do not depict the precise situation those times but it does allow the responders to imagine what it would be like. I began to imagine and feel abit jealous as the Aboriginals seemed to have lived at a time where the essentials in life was just nature. The great open wonders of nature, the sun, the moon. This allowed me to appreciate the history of Australia, in spite of the conflicts they had with settlers.

We were in the Asian gallery when a friend of mine commented on the fact that despite being called the Asian Gallery, why is it that there are no other art works besides work from China and Japan. It really didn't not occur to me until she said that to me. I guess that just goes to show that the dominant ideology when it comes to Asians is just Chinese and Japanese. Even the designing of the whole gallery was very Japanese based, with like paper like ceilings and walls. It was interesting to me as it reminded me of a time when I was at work for Mr Balloons. On site, I popped one balloon and the client who was Asian herself, spoke to my supervisor and said "can you please that Chinese girl to stop popping the balloons!" The thing that annoyed me was the fact that she generalised that all people who have black hair are Chinese. Especially, when she herself was evidently and Asian with black hair and typical Asian accent.

I think its just funny as society, without realising, allow dominant ideology as truth and as fact. If it is Asia then it is China or Japan. If it is Australia then it is blonde and blue eyed. If it is Aboriginals the it is considered as an "outsider". I think that it is really stupid if one allows these stereotypings to continue.

I really valued the time I had spent at the art gallery. I think that if one has the spare time to go then I advise you to go. It was throuoghly enjoyable and fascinating...


Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Long And Winding Day!

I had to teach earlier this morning. I didn;t know what to expect as this was my first time teaching the Seniors, agaed between 7 - 11 year old kids. I woke up earlier so I could prepare myself for the day ahead. Feeling tired and wiped out, having to work the day before from 9 am to 6 pm, I still had to continue. So, I got to church late and my Sunday School Leader was already there waiting for me. Fortunatly, she understood my situation in regards to me being late and she excused me. However, I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of a very long and hard working day.
I really had no expectations when teaching the older class. I only had a blurry idea that they kids will ask many questions, they would want to play lots of games and the very distracting thing is that they have very short attention spands. This was something i really didn't look forward to. However, I believe that if I was called to do this work then I knew that I had the ability to do it. So, the teaching began and I suprisingly found it very enjoyable! The kids were really interested in what I was teaching them that they just had soooo many questions.

Today, I taught them about the Rescuer and being Rescued. The basic lesson was: one can be rescued in terms of spirituality and not doing anything, and the other was the rescuer where one has been rescued and continues to rescue others. Suprisingly they all loved this Bible lesson. I gave them simple examples that easily related to their everyday lives. One of the kids even said to me "Sister, I really like today's lesson. If I bring my friend to church I hope they can listen to this Bible lesson." At first, I receieved this as a great compliment to my teachings but then I realised that all this work was not me but God who worked in me.

Here, I learnt that even at times of great doubt and insecurities, just believe that if you are placed in a position, it is because you are very capable of doing and succeeding in that area. I have discovered that that area is my teachings. I pray and hope that everytime I do teach, it is not me but a greater being in me. Today, I have made my decision that I am and will be a rescuer. I know that from here on in I can only get better and go higher.

After teaching, I had to go on a shoot site with my fellow class mates. It was really hot and all I could think about was going home to sleep. However, I knew that there were things for me to do like this shoot. We began to shoot near our class building and ended at a fellow class mate's apartment in the city.
The events that constructed the in-betweens were eventful, highs and lows, excitement and downturns. The overall shooting was really great. I really enjoyed the experience of being on site, on shoots to see the actually creations of mini films. I learnt great skills of camera movements and how the set environment can affect the camera shots. But the most insightful experience I gained from shooting films was the interactions of people. Between the director and the actors, the camera person and the crews. I believe that the lesson that the lecturer wanted us to learn was open communication. All "wires" had to be opened so that people could understand what need to be done and actually do it accordingly.

I was real tired by the end of the day that it was ended by first ever alcoholic drinks game. The film production was over and we played a game which involved cards, alcohol and I think a full stomach (which unfortunately I didn't have) Though I throughly enjoyed the game, I really enjoyed the value of friends. The events of a day will be only a closed chapter in one's life but it is the friends and relations that you make that build you to become the person you are detined to be. It is the relationships that you make that either construct or destruct your future plans.

I went to sleep with visions of an unstable world (due to the empty stomach and alcoholic drinks?) and woke up to know that just maybe today will be a better day...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Humans Playing God?

This is really randOmZ! I was watching the news and all the first 4 news items were related to weather, or nature. One that was interesting was about the horrible drought that Australia is currently experiencing. Channel 7 showed images of the sky where it's all cloudy but doesn't seem to rain. The report was about a breakthrough in the scientific arena, where there is something called 'Cloud Seedings', that are released into the clouds, which will in turn create rain.

An Australian scientist in 1995 had tried this 'Cloud Seeding' procedure and according to him this procedure is valid. It did rain. What concerns me, well at least that I have pondered, is the fact that how far will we (humans) try to explore and end up being the ultimate control force over everything that functions on earth and also nature!

For me, having a more traditionalist and religious perspective, I think that this take on solving Australia's drought problem is a bit extreme, in the sense that it questions human's dominance over nature. Having power and control over the weather, when and where it should rain, to me is a bit unusual and makes me view it as humans attempting to play God.

I know that the initial purpose is to help the drought and Australia's water shortages but to what extent do we stop? (I am not disagreeing to this alternative, just posing this debate!) Do we keep on going and creating technology that may make us seem to be God. With this, I'm not trying to point the view that I disagree with technological advancements and scientific improvements but I just wonder to what extent do we stop?

What I question is: what will life be like in another 5-10 years time? Will we have greater dominance over nature, for the purpose of our survival? Now it is the weather, what will be next?