Tuesday, July 06, 2010

This is better than Bali... Seriously!!

My sister and cousin had already left for Indo last Friday but I decided to stay in Sydney for another week. Why? Because of Hillsong Conference 2010!

And it turns out (as I expected) to be more than I had imagined! It was awesome and mind blowing! So I know now that everything that God has planned is for the greater good of His children. I had bought these tickets 1 year ago to the date and I had never imaged how it would become such a blessing and how much God would reveal to me.

But I know definitely now that God is a definite planner even to the very detail!

Anyways, I just wanted to share very briefly what I've gotten so far at the Conference:
-It is time for me to become the 'Christ' to someone out there. I have to be the 'hands' and 'feet' for someone. No more excuses, just actions with faith!
-Humanity is to give an uncomplicated path to... (whatever you are called to do)
-What I may think is "dead" may NOT be dead! Believe in God because He is able to turn things around.
-Think about this statement: 'Jesus WAS dead'. What does that insinuate? You would think that death was a "guarantee" but for Jesus it may not.
-God loves us so much that He works on His own timetable and not our's. So don't complain when things aren't going your way. He has prepared the best for last!
-God transcends logic! And so He will "awaken"/"reignite your"dead" dreams and passions just as Jesus did to Lazarus.
-Don't wait for the 'someday' but think and believe and do it today!
-Realise that our God is not just our comforter but also our emancipator, healer, redeemer etc. So don't restrict Him because He wants to make us who He created us to be.
-What God said He can do, He will do. It requires not just hope but also faith!
-One child at a time. A change one person's life, creates opportunity and it is then potential surfaces.
-It is God's speech that makes our speech necessary!
-God can do what we cannot do!
-We need to speak what He has spoken into our lives!
-The Spirit of the Lord is upon us to be spokespersons of His Gospel!
-Lean into your strengths and delegate your weaknesses!
-God has designed you to do something but don't do what you are NOT designed to do!
-Do what you are good at and delegate your weaknesses.

All these simple but powerful statements resound quite strongly in my heart and situation! But most of all through today's Conference that it has reassured me as God says "I am writing your story Steph for it to be one day preached so don't be afraid of 'My pen' (process etc.) that is being used to write your life story. Do not be afraid of where I am going to take you. You have not seen or heard the skim of it yet! Freely surrender to Me! Because that is what these speakers did! They were responsive and available to My call and assignment. And that is how and why they are speaking today at this Conference. Because of the experience and journey they have walked and continue to walk in is why there are such great speakers. But most of all they weren't afraid of 'My pen' (process etc.) So for you too Steph, do not be afraid of what I have installed for you. Your "tribulations" now are only 'catapulting' instruments I am using to elevate and bring life to the Word, to My Word! Do not be afraid My child!"

And how awesome is our God(?) as I sit here and type this out He is placing words in my mind and heart. They are arranged beautifully to make powerful and mind blowing statements that I know are NOT mine for I am not that smart. But it is truly His Spirit that resides in my heart. It is only further reminding me of God's promise to me that my writing will be sharpened to touch peoples' lives! And God I declare to You now, today that I am open and I surrender to You only!

I stand not afraid of where You will take me or what You will do to me for I know that You are with me and You are for me! I will work for You and find rest only in You!

Be blessed always my dear! =)

Saturday, July 03, 2010

.... the dream

(Continuation of previous post)
And strangely enough the day after I had the dream I went to the Indonesian Consulate to pick up my passport aftering applying for a VISA. While I was waiting in line I was watching the tv screen that showed off Indonesia's culture, people, politicians etc. There were images of heads of state in meetings, politicians taking photos etc. And I was somehow interested and not only that as I kept on watching I began to feel shiver all over my body. (I know that sounds weird! I even think so too. But that was what I felt). And I began to question why I was feeling this way (like I always do!). Then I started to remember of the dream I just had. I knew my Spirit was trying to tell me something and it was becoming more like a jig saw puzzle that only I had to figure out while God had the pieces and was showing them to me one at a time.

So the revelation I got in my heart as I was watching the tv and in relation to remembering my dream was this:
- you will one day be there and among people like them.
- you will be among people of influence, people of power, people of change, people of politics.
- I (God) will give you what you have always desired (which is meeting people of influence, in particular politic/s/ians).
- the dream you had last night was a snippet of what I have planned for you. To be among people of great power and influence.
- what you are going through now is only the building ground/instrument that I will use to "catapult" you. Your history and experience is My tool to show and bring change.
- keep yourself humble at all times and My Spirit and sensitivity to My voice and direction/call will always be with you.

How amazing is that?! I know much of this doesn't make sense to me right now, let alone you guys understanding it but I feel so strongly about this. And I believe that once God has spoken there is no turning back or taking back. We can only move forward and upwards!

So heart guys as to what He has said in your life/for you. For His words will never go to waste, rather it will prosper and bear fruitful in your journey with Him. Just always remember to be 'available' and repson to His voice and call. You can never go wrong with that!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Strange dream

Last night I had a really strange dream. I vaguely remember it but what I could remember was that I was in such a horrible state I was beginning to wonder why I was going through all of this. I can't exactly remember what was going on but I remember questioning my experience. Why was this happening? And I only remember His Spirit telling me that I could do it and that it was all for the greater plan He has for me (in terms of Indonesia and Australia). And then suddenly I was 'flashforwarded' to the future where I was in front of a huge crowd for some unknown (to me at this time) reason. It was like a stage or something and the only thing I can remember was saying 'this journey I have walked with God on my side.' And in saying that my Spirit began to remind me of all the things I had gone through, the ups and downs and the highs and the lows was just for that one moment, which in hindsight I know was to glorify His Kingdom.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

What are you afraid of?

I only came to realise today how 'afraid' I am of going to Indonesia. I was on the bus today doing my errands when I realised how much my life is going to change in 1 week. I won't be able to do what I am used too, do what I like. My life will be more constricted in some ways yet liberating in others. But I know that I have to be strong and push forward and put aside my worries. For the greater part of my life is to let His will be done in me and if that means to sacrifice little things like my freedom, finances, comfort then let it be because I know in my heart that though it may seem like I'm leading a constricted life in God but really it has been and will continue to be the most liberating and awesome journey. And flying out to Indonesia next week is going to be another chapter of this journey I am on. So I should not be afraid but look forward to what's ahead! =)

When life throws you a curve ball you....???

When my aunt told me about an incident that caused the furniture (tables and chairs) for the school we're building in Jakarta to burn down, I was in shock. I wasn't angry or upset, just curious. I believe the money I had sent to set this school up was no longer my money hence I felt I had no right to feel upset. But I was just curious as to what God has planned. I believe that we have decided to build this school by faith and we will continue to walk in faith until His vision will come to fruition. But this 'hurdle' had come from no where. The people who made the furniture was caught up in an ethnic brawl which caused a fight to break out, which lead to the burning of everything around that town.

Anyways, at church service the next day I just prayed and asked for God's wisdom. And He said:
-you are not defeated.
-the victory is in your hands.
-nothing is impossible for Him.
-He can turn the situation around in Indonesia.
-be faithful and trust in Him.

And most of all my interest in biographies had been made clear that day. I've always had an interest in reading peoples' biographies particularly the early life stage because it highlights how much these people have grown and faced the odds and become who they always knew they could be.

So that day God just revealed to me that my interest in biographies was only to lead to one day writing not my own biography but write His biography. I realised that there is no other biography I would like to write but His. It is/will be more powerful and influential than any other biography. And I learnt that people out there need to read/hear of His biography. So He said 'so let Me use you Steph to write My biography.' And I replied with 'tear away my pride and honour so that Your biography is not tainted by anything of me but only YOU!' And most important of all the Bible is the source and start of His biography and people need this!

So I learnt from this 'curve ball' that for great things to happen, for history to be made, the early stages are always the hardest, where the most sacrifice will be made but it will be great for God's Kingdom.

I learnt that I have to be selfless in order for His miracle/plan to happen in my life. And that this school is/will be a great part of God's will for my life. To bring change in Jakarta, Indonesia so He assured me not to be afraid to face the sacrifice, challenge and obstacles because that is all part of God's biography. Let challenges come to enable growth and become a testament for God's Kingdom on earth.

So I learnt that I should not stop or hinder or blame these challenges on anyone but but let it be part of God's story of victory. For He is in control. So Steph let Me write the story, the script and you just follow it, trust and have faith in Me, says the Lord.

And I say 'Lord, it doesn't matter what happens to me but let YOUR will be done in me!'

So let this journey of self-lessness begin!

Being a teen again...

A couple of weeks ago I went back to my old youth group. The last time I was there was about 7 years ago so I didn't know what to expect. I was going just to see what's been happening there.

I had such an awesome experience there straight from the get go. From the praise and worship God just filled His spirit in the room. I wasn't sure of the teens felt it but I knew He was there. There was an overwhelming feeling of love and desire to be close to these from God.

On a personal level I learnt that the Spirit was telling me that I had not even begun to skim the top of what God has planned for me. What He has planned for me will blow my mind away and I should anticipate the best!

I also learnt that we are all the same. No matter the age gap or whatever God sees us the same way. I need to have a 'child like faith' and keep believing in the impossible just like the teens should.

We often need to go back in order to move forward and I feel like going back to the youth group only served to remind me that we can never second guess God's plan for us. We never know what He has for us but by His grace He takes us into situations where He reveals parts of His greater plan for us. So just anticipate and be open to where He takes us. You never know what you learn or what part of the greater plan He is revealing to you!