I am ruined for God!
Over the past few weeks since my last post, I've been "worried" about something. Mainly about answering the question: where to next? (after Bible College) I've been trying to avoid the question but every time it crosses my mind I just shriek at it deep down inside me. I haven't understood why until this week.A few things happened this week which have made me understand how to approach and answer the above question.
1. On Tuesday my Principal shared about her experience in going about God's calling on her life. She shared about how she prayed for one day having 'the nations' and how at that time she didn't know where God was going to take her, or how that was going to happen. But now years later she is 'living the dream' of those nations.
Now this struck a cord with me with my own personal God-given vision and dream. The dream of being an ambassador for Indonesia, it's church and children. But as my Principal was sharing her life experience God was answering my concern or doubt in regards to it. God is saying that I am the God who is able to do all things. I did it for her I am able to do it for you too, as long as I choose to be faithful in shepherding that vision and dream.
2. In my Pastoral Leadership class today my teacher shared about the Pastoral Leadership call. He delved into 'how do we know if we are called into this leadership?' among many other things that were very insightful and helpful. But one thing that stuck with me was when my teacher shared about his journey into how he got to where he is today. This story struck me because that was and is similar to my story and journey. (Recap: year 10 careers test signified that religious leader was my career path. Being encouraged that one day I would preach.) And as all this resonated in my heart, the teacher gave out stickers that had 'Pastor' written on it. Just like the ones stuck on front row seats that were reserved for Pastors in church services. This really just sealed what I knew God wanted me to be and do. And this was definitely the clarity and direction I was looking for amongst my worry and concern over the weeks. My focus is now shifted from no longer on the small details of things that used to worry me to now knowing the greater picture - Indonesia and the children in my heart.
3. To top all these "occurrences" today in my 2nd part of classes, which was about kids ministry, as the teacher was talking and I was fully engaged with the content, God spoke specifically into my ear, which pierced right into my heart and pictoralised in my mind. He said "The children you teach today will be the adults you preach to one day". And immediately the vision I saw was of my sunday school kids 10 years from now and me preaching to them! That has now not only changed me but transformed me!
So I guess in ending this post, I'd like to encourage all of us who may be in a state of worry or concern as to where life is headed, look to God and His Word. Really. He will never fail to communicate to us in one or another where we are headed. And surround yourself with His Word and His people. He will speak through them to reveal to you what your have been searching.
I pray in your searching you will find Him!