Believe! Just like Peter Pan!
It was during today's Praise and Worship service at church when I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me about faith, believing and being child like (in certain situations).
I just felt the Holy Spirit over me and speaking about having a child like faith. Believing in the unseen, unheard and the never before thought of. He spoke to me about increasing my faith and to start stretching my 'capacity' for I will experience things I have not thought of, things I have not seen before and things I have not heard of before.
And through all these things I have to remain believing and keeping my faith until everything is completed.
I was also reminded by the Holy Spirit about 'Father and daughter.' I felt like my Spirit was telling me something about both paternal father and Spiritual Father and daughter relationship. It reminded me of my very recent photo with my dad at a wedding (last night). It reminded me of how important it is to preserve a strong relationship with one's father.

So a few things I've learnt today:
- instill and preserve a child like faith. Believe that anything is possible! (Just like Peter Pan)
- No matter what happens ahead your father (both paternal and Spiritual) will always be there
- I need to set my mind and discern in my Spirit that the year 2010 will bring me things I have not heard, seen or thought of before!
So 2010 here I commmmmmeeeee....!!!! =D
The value of shoes is more than just for fashion but it's all about learning...
12th January 2010 was the day I learnt of my purpose in working at the shoe shop.
All this time(almost 3 months) working at the shoe shop and I hadn't found out what my purpose was being there besides the money aspect. And even then my mum would continually question why I would want to work there when the pay is average.
But I stuck it out. I wanted to stay and find out what God wanted me to do there.
And yesterday I foudn out what it was. I was and am in this job to be a testament to my boss and others around me and to share about Him.
I knew this because I get along pretty well with my boss. We talk about life, politics, the world and nature. We view the world similarly so we have a lot in common to talk about.
And that's when i realised that slowly but surely God is using me to share and be a vessel to spread the good news. And the good news may not necessarily mean preaching the Bible but rather sharing life, sharing wisdom, sharing love just like Christ did for us.
So everyday now when I go to work I know that I'm living and working with a purpose. My question to you is: are you living and working with a purpose each day?
2010: 2nd year of Revayah. So what will this year bring?
Last year 2009 brought me turbulance, change, refinement, alignment with God's plan, revevlation of God's plan for me and most of all surrenderance and obeidence.
What will 2010 bring for me? As I stepped into year 2010 in prayer and in hope in Jesus Christ, it was revealed to me that 2010 is going to be bigger and better in everything in Christ.
2010 is the 2nd year of Revayah, which personally means for me a year where God starts to open up opportunities for me to start actioning out God's plan and word that had be placed over my life.
SInce last year was the yeah when His word, His purpose, His plan for me was revealed through visions, prophesy and prayers, this year is the year His words come to life in my life.
I'm really excited for what He has planned to do and I hope and pray through fasting as well that I am becoming who He has planned for me to be and not the other way around.
So Father my YOUR will be done in my life just as YOU have planned it to be!
Why can't everyday be a day of celebration?
So last Sunday I went to a wedding. It was such a beautiful wedding. It represented all that is commitment, love, life, sacrifice, selflessness and joy. But most of all I learnt of God's love for us. I learnt that God had placed these two people to become one and one that special day He had made everything perfect. But more than that it also taught me of God's vow and promise to us His 'brides.' The wedding reminded me of God's commitment-to give everything He has for us. Whatever is His is also ours. Whatever He has promised to do he will do with us and for us.
So whatever you're facing right now don't ever forget of God's love and vow to us. Whatever His promise is to you and I, He will see it through until the end.
Remember, each day is a gift from Him and it's a gift that serves as a collection of God's love letters to us all.