Christmas Extravaganza!
My aunt has her own small business of natural skin care products that she makes herself from elements take from nature. She holds events called "Extravaganza" to invite people to gather and enjoy something similiar to that of a coctail party. At these Extravaganzas she displays her products for retail and also raises awareness of a rehabilitation centre known as "Mercy Ministries", where it is a centre for young women who have been sexual abused, been on drugs, have eating disorders, and who have been pregnant at an early age.
Through the selling of her products she gives a certain percentage of her sale income to Mercy Ministries for charity. And last night was the Christmas Extravaganza! It was a house party with about 40 people. The list of events included: an opera singer, who sung 3 Christmas songs (they were spectacular, very touching and moving), there was also finger foods, sharing, and just mingling time.
The thing that striked me most about that night was the sharing from the guest speaker. She is a mother, a wife, a youth pastor and an artist. She talked about herself and revealed that she, at a younger age was shy and quiet. She caught my attention. She continued about how people never knew who she was, or even remembered her name because she was so quiet. She talked about one time when she was in year 2 and she drew a picture of a dinosaur and her teacher gave her a great comment and posted it on the wall and said "you are good drawer, you are going to be an artist one day" to her this she didn't believe could happen to her.
Now, she speaks looking back, after years in art school, and working in the field as a graphic designer, she believes in what her teacher told her. The point I'm trying to make is that this is exactly what happened to me. When I was in HS, as you already know, I was (still am?) shy and quiet but one of my teachers believed in me and believed that I could be School Captain. I didn't believe it at first but now that I look back it has become part of my reality.
The point is: there may have been people in your live who have believed in you and knew that you could be the best you could be. The thing is to trust that and believe in the unknown because it has happened to me. The thing that is to be remembered is to trust and believe in the seeds that have been planted in your live, by others, as in the future you will see and reap the rewards.
I Love My Kids!
I was teaching Sunday School today. I had the juniors, they included kids from 4 - 6 years of age. It was alot of work! I was having trouble getting and keeping their attention. They all just wanted to play games. I wasn't really in the mood because I had so many other things that I needed to do, such as the essay that was due the following day that I had not yet finished. I was really wiped out. But I remembered that I wasn't doing this for myself, or the church, or for anyone but I was doing this for my God. It was then that I reaslied, among the great trials in front of me (the kids), I realised that I should not be whining about the hardships of teaching and serving because it is not for me but for a greater being.
It was at that moment that I was given that revelation as one of my kids said to me "Sister, you know my little sister hasn't cried yet in this class" and I was thinking and asked her "what do you mean by crying?" she replied "my sister usually cries about this time in Sunday School because she doesn't like the teacher and the activites that we were doing" she continued to say "I think my sister likes you!"
From that moment on, I knew to stop whining about my circumstances and to just push forward with what I have. I also learnt that God works in great wonders. Through one of my kids, He gave me strength and showed me His love, simply through one of His kids.
I have learnt and know now that
behind every great obstacle is an even greater reward because I have personally experienced it. You should try it sometime! =)
What Makes One a "Real" Australian?
I was at the end of my Mandarin class when I heard of news that my uncle needed 5 Australians to support the fact that my uncle is of good character and nature (for the processing of his residency) And I was having a converstion about who would be the 5 Australians when I suggested one of my uncle's close friends. But my aunt rejected it and said "he's not Australian, he's Asian!" This really caught my attention as I thought 'but he's an Australian citizen, why can't he support?' I asked my aunt this and she gave the same reply, 'He's Asian, and not Australian!'
This conversation, for me, was turning into a debate, where I was challenging my aunt to support me with facts that back up her arguement that Asians are not Australians, whether or not they are citizens of Australia or not. I believed that if you are a citizen of Australia then that makes you an Australian, despite the colour of your hair, skin, or eyes.
It made me think and question 'then what categories one to be an Australian and the other not?' Isn't Australia a multiculturally diverse country? I felt really strongly about the fact that Australians can be all sorts of skins and hair colours because we are a mulitcultural society. There should be no boundary or barrier that separates the blonde, blue eyed Australians and the yellow skinned, black haired Australian! We all pay out equal taxes, relatively, obey by the nations' laws, and both are loyal to the serving of our country. So, why is there still the mentality that Australians are blonde and blue eyed.
By the way, I am in no way racist against blode and blue eyed or any other nationality, as many of my long lasting close friend relationships are with blonde, blue eyed Australian, Middle-Easterns, Asians, and European friends. I am just curoius and annoyed about the fact that the mentality that one is an Australian if they are blonde and blue eyed.
This reminds of me of my History class in year 10. I remember it so vividly, as my History teacher was teaching us about Australian history, its contributions to war blah blah blah...and she said something along the lines of 'back in the early years of Australia's establishment as a country, the classrooms were all filled with blonde and blue eyed students. There was not a single black, green or yellow haired student' (not her exact words, but along those lines) She questioned us and asked us to raise our hands if we are truly an Australian, meaning from England and not having any mixed blood. It was definately surprising to see the results. Can you guess how many students raised their hands? Only ONE! Only ONE student among a classroom filled with students, about 25 of us, signalled that he was truly an Australian.
This was most interesting to me as I know that this was only one example but a clear example of the changing times and changing characteristics that construct the Australian nationality.
I'm writing this blog not to stir up trouble, especially in these times when the topic of Australian idenity and nationality is highly senitive. I am just interested, amused and blown away that even today that some people still relate the Australian as blonde and blue eyed.
Stop Listening to the Accusing Voices.
Have you ever experienced those times when you were about to do something and there were two contradicting voices in your head? Like an angel on one side and a devil on the other? I'm sure everyone has been faced by this many many times, for example, one voice saying to you 'no, you can't apply for that job! You can't do it! Blah blah blah' but in opposition, there is the other voice that says 'yes, go for it! you know you are capable for that job. Blah blah blah'
Well, last night at youth group, I learnt a great lesson about
Stop Listening to the Accusing Voices. These are the voices in your head that convey condemnation, negativity, and counter-actions. The lesson was to stop listening to these voices as they end up ruling your actions and in turn dictate the route of your life.
As I was listening to this, I was reminded of last year in High School (last year). I was in year 12 and there was a selection process if anyone wanted to become School Captain (SC). Me being me, I thought 'no way can I run for SC! No one is going to select me!' I'm quiet, conserved, unoticed
(I thought) and definately not popular! My friends were urging me to take the opportunity, take the chance but I "thought" I knew where I stood in the school - a quiet, unpopular student -
But I guess I was mistaken! Apart of me wanted to run for it, 'what if I do get it? Don't I want to see how far I can go? Since this is the last year of HS, you should take the opportunity' As a result, I collected all that was brave of me, or at least what minimal of it I had, and prepared my speech with my father, for support.
As all my friends prepared their speeches, I knew it would be my close friend, who was DUX of the year since year 7, the teacher's pet, loved by all, who would actually win the captainship.
But again I was mistaken! When they day came for the presentations, I was very close to not entering. I was in the libary in the morning and reading over my speech when my friends came in, one of which was my DUX friend. They were there to also practise their speech. This made me uncomfortable, afraid and frightened. I began to feel unworthy for the captainship compared to my friends, who were alot more smarter and more loved by the teachers. I was insecure and on the verge of giving it up when I heard a voice in me say 'don't you want to see what you are made of?' how far you can go? this will be your last chance' With that in mind and also the fact that my dad helped me with my speech, I didn't want to give it up.
The selection of a SC is done by the 10 School Leaders, whom I was already part of as my fellow friends and teachers voted for me, and supervised by my Principal, teachers, and students from the SRC. After all the presentations were done, after a random picking out of numbers for the order of presentations (I was number 4, good number, in the middle) the Principal tallied the votes. I was real nervous, but I remembered to thank God for His help, strength and wisdom.
To cut the story short,
I was voted female School Captain 2005 of my HS! 'What?! Me?! How?!' these thoughts were running through my head!! But now as I look back I do not regret a single thing from my last year in HS.
This (being selected as SC) proved to me and everyone around me that anything is possible. Those who know me can tell you that I am a quiet, reserved girl but I have learnt not to put myself down because even me just being me allowed me to be SC!
My lesson of this blog is:
Stop Listening to the Accusing Voices, take the chance, take the opportunity, take the risk, take the challenge. You never know your limits unless you try it all out! Don't give up!
Remember, do you want to live a life filled with 'what if's?'
Contradictions that Intertwined in My Culturally Split Mind.
While I was on my way home from the city, I was sitting in the bus when the bus stopped at Central. We were about to leave that bus stop when an old Asian lady was screaming and waving her hat in the air. It caught my attention. I didn't know what and why she was yelling until she got on the bus. It was then I realised that she had been yelling for the bus to wait for her.
What was interesting was when she got on the bus, she didn't say 'thank you driver' or something along those lines. I know to you it may seem so what?! But I thought it was strange and I began judging this old lady. My train of thought was 'how rude! she didn't say thanks or anything. Here,I thought Asians are pretty well-mannred and polite people but why didn't she say anything?' I began to think negatively Asians as a whole, despite completely understanding that I am Asian myself. I thought about this for a while until it occured to me! 'What if that was my mother or aunt who was yelling for the bus and didn't say thanks?!' That's when I realised that I am one twisted, mixed and unpredictable walking, talking human - culturally twisted. At first I thought in a more Western thinking, being polite and everything and dismissing my Eastern culture. It's here when I realised that I'm contradicting myself everyday, on the bus, on the way to class etc.
In spite of this, I do value both my Western and Eastern cultures but sometimes it gets really hard, where I get confused or don't know where to stand or where I have to stand. My traditions and values are based from the parents - Eastern culture, yet my education and ideologies are based from my up bringing, surrounding, society in which I live in - a Western culture.
~ Confusing but cherishing both cultures. ~
Salt of the Earth, Light of the World.
Exhausted! Yesterday, my church celebrated Christmas. Yes, its an early Christmas as many of us will be on holidays during the Christmas break, so we arranged for an early celebration.
I was already at church at 8.30am helping with the decorations for the Sunday School Christmas Celebration. There were many decorations that entertained the room very excitingly but the most important for the kids to grasp was the theme of the celebration -
Salt of the Earth, Light of the World.
Taken from the chapter Mattew, of the Bible, we wanted the kids to understand and to live life by being a blessing to the earth and by being a shining light in the world. We turned the light off and lit up a candle to demonstrate the meaning of this theme. Most of the kids actually listened and seemed amazed by what being the light of the world means. Among the darkness of the room, the kids sat in silence to watch. Whether or not they fully understand and live by it, I don't know as many of the kids are among the ages of 5 - 10 year olds. But I truly believe that every week we meet I am planting these as seeds into their soft, loving, un-polluted hearts, where it will one day grow into something bigger, greater, stronger - character and their love for their Father.
One of the teachers gave a story, so the kids can understand the value of Christmas and the birth of baby Jesus. The story: there was once a man who worked as the control operator of a bridge that liftss in the middle so that boats could pass by below and the cars would wait. This man has a son who would always come to work with him. One day the father told the boy to stand by the bridge and wait for the father. The son did what the father told him to do. As the father was at the control room, he saw a bus load of people that was about to drive off while the bridge was still up, letting the boats pass. The father was in a panic mode. He didn't kow what to do. He saw the bus driving closer and closer down the road. He had two options, turn the bridge back on and let the bus load of people drive pass or to leave the bridge up and save his own son at the bottom of the bridge. ------ The man decided to pull the bridge down and save the bus load of people and let his own son die.
The meaning and value of this story to me was so touching and emotionally sad. I live my life, day in, day out, moring til night, meal after meal, and not realising the great value of my life! I was spiritually and emotionally awakened by this story - as I know it is just a story - but it truly represented the value of Christmas, the value of Christ, and the value of live and death. The Father sacrificed His own son for the rest of us.
Maybe to some of you, this means nothing and to some of you it may mean a lot more. But the message I'm trying to show is that if God gave his own son for us, can you imagine what your birth father, dad, daddy, papa would do for you? Because for me, I have always come back to realise that if my Father above would give such a great gift to me, what wouldn't my birth father give to me?
My last words for this blog: value this Christmas in all ways possible, whether with family, friends, gifts, or time - just value it and see the sacred worth of giving.
Value your loved ones.
All Hard Work Always Gets Paid Off.
Class today shot into the door and out again really quickly. It didn't seem that we spent almost 4 hours in front of the computer screen, editing (podcasts). I'm not sure whether we were enjoying it, or whether we wanted to get the editing of our podcasting done. But now, after listening back to the final product of the hard labour, long hours, commitment to the work, it all seems worth it. Especially, if the lecturer likes it! hihihiii..
Playing the recording over and over again, I feel like as if I could recite the whole thing. And the funny thing is that we have actually made our own podcast. I mean I had no idea about podcasting. I don't even download any from the internet and now having a podcast of our own labour is pretty exciting. Doing all the interviews, getting to know how to use the equipment and really experience the journey of a journalist is really exciting for me.
Now, looking back, all the hard work has really paid off. After encounter many difficulties in the beginning of our recording, and to hear now the final product, all stitched up, is great!
Weather and global warming is not such a boring topic anymore! Especially after listening to our podcast! It's a must!
Is it the cat or the meat's fault?
I know this topic has been floating around recently about the Sheik's comment on women's dressing, which he views "invites" rape. And I know that its like "old" news but what really caught my attention about this news story was when I went out to have dinner with my high school friends last Saturday night, one of whom is a faithful Muslim. We were talking and just catching up with what has been going on in our lives - uni, work, friends but then it was my Muslim friend that brought up the topic of the Sheik's comment on the cat and the meat. Suddenly, I found this interesting because he, himself, is a Muslim, and I thought that these comments would have insulted him or something. So I asked him, "what's your view on this comment?", "do you think that it is the meat's fault?" I was ready to hear his answer that was something along the lines of, "yes, it is the meat's fault blah blah blah..." but what really got me was his actual response, "I think it is the cat's fault blah blah blah...women don't do's the men who don't have self-restraint." This (his response) really blew me away because here I am watching the news, reading the papers and thinking that all Muslims believe and think the same way as the Sheik, regarding this matter on women, dress and rape. But to my surprise, I got a totally different answer. We further discussed this issue, while on the bus to Star City, and I was really interested in getting his views on this and he further told me that what the Sheik said is only representing one group of Muslims, to which he (my friend) doe not agree with. What's even more surprising is my friend's comment, "I don't even know why we have a Sheik and why we have to listen to him" without getting too deep into the whole Sheik's commentry, I just wanted to know what his perspectives are, being a young Muslim male in a Western society. I asked him what his parents thought about his issue and he said that his parents view it the same way as he does.
Through this I'm not swaying to either side. And I realise that my friend does not represent the whole Muslim society but what I'm trying to point out is that it is interesting what my Muslim friend had to say about this very sensitive issue. Here, I am thinking that all Muslims think the same way as the Sheik, but I have been proven wrong, at least by one Muslim person.
Walk Against Warming.
First day as a: "journalist". Where: Martin Place to Botanical Gardens. When: this morning, 4th November, 2006, at 11am. What: raising awareness of global warming and its grave effects on the earth, and ultimately, human existence. Who: 50, 000 supporters joined the peaceful march. Why: because the ignorance of humans towards global warming will one day, soon, heat us up to death. To provide a platform where people can voice their opinion against global wamring. How: a peace march from Martin Place to Botancial Gardens, where there was live music playing at Botanical Gardens.
Well, my first day as a "journalist" on the streets of Sydney, with my friend, was one of an experience I guess I will not forget. Arriving at Martin Place, it started to rain, the recorder not doing as it is wanted to -humans and technolgy - The interviewing journey began, encountering and meeting all sorts of people with varying answers about global warming. I guess the ones that highlighted my interviewing journey is the answers and people commenting about PM John Howard and not about global warming in particular. As the image above will show, that global warming is not just about the environment but also the politics behind it. This view is not just my own personal view but also views that has been supported by many of the interviewees at today's march. Many views were presented about Howard, politics, and controversies that play behind global warming.
There were many views that were presented, about global warming and how to help decrease the harmful effects but the ones that caught my attention were the ones about the politics and people's perosnal views about the Howard government. When I first got to the march, I didn't really know what to expect. I was thinking everyone is just going to talk about being environmentally friendly, but it came quite a shock to me when people were talking negatively about the government.
The following image is one that I thought was really interesting. The image here is pretty self-explanatory. Howard and Costello are cooking the earth to death. Their dressed pretty unique and funnily - Howard in a woman's dress with an apron and Costello clothed in a tux. I think that this is cleverly drawn and demonstrated.
At the march, there were many chantings that clearly displayed the purpose of the march. Some were proudly bellowing "we dig it, we dig it, we dig it, we dig it and we burn it!" and others were screaming, "export Howard, not uranium, export Howard, not uranium!", another interesting one, the one I think is really great is, "hey, hey, ho, ho, Johnny Howard's gotta go, hey, hey, ho, ho, Johnny Howard's gotta go!" -funny and interesting-
What really caught my attention was when me and my friend were signing the petition against global warming on Macquarie Street, a man walked past and yelled out "you know, your march is contributing more to global warming. You blocked the roads, created huge traffics, which creates more gas" It was interesting as it made me think about this march in a more deeper way. There is two sides to this global warming debate that has two convincing views. However, the petition lady replied, "that's why we are walking" but still I felt like that man had a point.
I guess, that's how life is, you meet and greet people who you like and who you hate because they are different to you. But the thing that RANDOMLY pops to my mind is 'do you hate them because they are different or because they possess similar charatceristics to yourself?' like a mirror, many people hate what they see in the mirror and tend to change themselves into soemthing better, but what is better? 'Better' is only your understanding of 'better'. I'm going off on a tangent finish, I had a great experience at my first protest march, my first "journalistic" adventure, and overall an experience that I see has many different views...
Quiet Please.
Heated feeling down my throat. Deep breathes were inhibited by a sharp sensation down my throat. Is there something stuck in my throat? Had I eaten something that has now gone down the wrong way?
These are the feelings I had and still am expereincing from last week. So I decided to go to see the doctor to check it out. The doctor checked it out, after a long agaonising 1 and 1/2 hours in the waiting area, luckily I brought with me a book, "The Murdoch Archipelago", so I didn't get bored. Anyways, the doctor concluded that I had receieved a virus, that is not threatening, where my throat is beginning to swell up from not drinking enough fluids blah blah blah... He recommended me to drink plenty of fluids, watch my diet (not that I'm fat), and take vitamin C.
As I left the medical center, and began my journey back home, I was thinking why is this happening to me? Could it really be that I'm not drinking enough fluids? Because as far as I know I drink plenty of water. But then it occured to me, I realised that this may be a sign that I might have to take my life a little bit slower. Take a step back. Not so fast paced. Don't try to get everything done in a small amount of time.
I have learnt through this experience that you may get side tracked in life, follow what other people are doing, walk or even run faster than you can bear, worry about the little things in life that are not even of worth to worry about, and not realise that it may be causing something destructve inside you. It may even be stopping you from what you really trying to achieve. Instead of being productive, you are being counter-productive by leading your life in this manner.
Lesson: Take it slow. Life doesn't stop because you are taking smaller steps or because you are walking in life and not running. When you run through life, you may run past and miss all the great wonders of life, family, friends, and nature. Think about that becuase I sure am.